Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Licensing

One of the licenses I often get questions about is the Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance (LCLM) certificate. It’s a good license to have for a commercial (for-hire) landscaper who wants to offer basic chemical pest control for clients. To offer a wider suite of landscape pest control services commercially, the Lawn and Ornamental Pest Control Operator (L&O PCO) license is another option. However, the L&O PCO license requires experience working for a licensed pesticide applicator performing L&O pest control. The LCLM certificate on the other hand, only requires proof of insurance and a passing certification exam score. Changes to the Florida Statutes (F.S.), Chapter 482 removed the requirement for LCLM applicants to take a 6-hour class before applying for the certificate, as of July 1, 2024. The changes in F.S. Chapter 482 also expanded the types of sites where LCLM pesticide applications can be made and clarified the types of equipment and products that can be used. Specifically, as an LCLM certificate-holder, you can apply pesticides (including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides) that either do not have a signal word or that have a “caution” signal word on the label. Products labeled “warning” or “danger” cannot be used.  The certificate-holder can only apply pesticides to ornamental plant beds, driveways, sidewalks, and patios. In applying pesticides, LCLM certificate-holders can only use portable, handheld application equipment and backpack sprayers. No power equipment can be used. LCLM certificates are valid for one year. To renew, certificate-holders must again provide proof of insurance, as well as documentation that they have either completed 4 classroom hours of continuing education or passed the reexamination.

How do I prepare for the exam?

Let me start with a word of caution that the LCLM exam is not an easy one, so I definitely recommend studying in advance. We always caution LCLM applicants to be aware that if you take the exam and do not pass, you will need to re-apply before re-taking the exam. Each application costs $150, so it’s worthwhile to take the time you need to prepare for the exam.

So how do you study for the exam? The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) recommends the following study materials:

    1. Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance book* (IFAS Bookstore)
    2. Applying Pesticides Correctly book* (also available in Spanish) (IFAS Bookstore)
    3. Florida Green Industries – Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources in Florida (copies available for free at most local extension offices)
    4. Chapter 5E-14 FAC (internet)
    5. Chapter 482 FL Statutes (internet)
    6. Instructions -common pesticides & equipment (from suppliers; basically, review some of the pesticide labels you would use)

*These study guides are available for free check-out to library cardholders in the Martin County Library System, courtesy of UF/IFAS Extension Martin County.

The IFAS Bookstore website is:

How do I find exam sites and register for the exam?

Pesticide applicator exams in Florida are offered by most UF/IFAS Extension offices through a statewide Pesticide Certification Exam scheduling site. Additionally, the UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office, in partnership with FDACS, launched a new on-demand exam site, Everblue, in December 2021.  To learn more about testing with Everblue, check out the Pesticide Information Office blog article here: Testing From Home, What You Need to Know! – Pesticide Information.

When you’re ready to take your exam, visit the Pesticide Certification Exam scheduling site to:

Note: Changes are coming to the above-mentioned exam process. FDACS is selecting a testing vendor to take over pesticide exams by October 1, 2025. As of January 1, 2025, paper exams will no longer be offered at UF/IFAS Extension county offices. Computer-based exams will remain available through Extension county offices and through Everblue until October 1, 2025. The new process after October 1, 2025 is expected to include two options: 1) testing on a remote proctored platform; and 2) testing at licensed centers throughout the state.

Where can I find approved LCLM continuing education classes?

Once you are licensed, start gathering CEUs (continuing education units) early, so that you can easily renew your license. The LCLM license must be renewed each year with at least four CEUs or by re-taking the exam. Local extension offices and the UF Pesticide Information Office both offer CEUs year-round. Want to keep informed of classes offered in and around Martin County? Subscribe to receive my emails!

To locate classes statewide, you can either use the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) statewide CEU class search or contact your local UF/IFAS extension office. Many UF/IFAS Extension Agents offer classes in-person or virtually, and you can also find trainings online on-demand.

I hope this article gives you the information you need to successfully become licensed. If you need additional resources, please reach out to your local extension office.



Posted: September 12, 2022

Category: Agribusiness, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Commercial Horticulture Digest, Green Industry, Martin County, Pesticides, UF/IFAS Extension

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