Professional Licensing/Certification for Fertilizer Applicators

Commercial fertilizer applicators in Florida must hold a Limited Urban Commercial Fertilizer Applicator Certificate (LUCFAC). The good news is that there are many ways to get the training needed! The statewide Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) program offers options for in-person classes throughout the state, as well as online and DVD training alternatives. Depending on your chosen training option, the class may be offered in English or Spanish. Exams are offered in either English or Spanish as well.

For a good overview of the GI-BMP program, check out the “Green Industries Best Management Practices” blog by Hillsborough County Extension Agent, Susan Haddock.

What topics does the GI-BMP training cover?

The GI-BMP training encompasses the nine principles of Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM (FFL). FFL principles focus on protecting our water resources through practices such as:

  • Selecting the right plants for the site;
  • Using cultural practices (mowing, pruning, mulching, etc.) to support a healthy landscape;
  • Using integrated pest management to minimize pesticide application; and
  • Applying irrigation and fertilizer only as needed to support plant growth/health.

Participants also learn about local fertilizer ordinances and how their practices fit into the bigger picture of statewide water resource protection efforts.

Are there any upcoming GI-BMP trainings in Martin County?

bumper sticker stating "We practice Florida-Friendly Landscaping" to demonstrate a resource available from Extension
Treasure Coast green industry professionals licensed or certified in best practices can obtain a free bumper sticker to help market their businesses.
brochure showing how homeowners can check to see if their pesticide/fertilizer applicator is licensed
Brochures are offered to licensed/certified green industry professionals on the Treasure Coast.

Yes, we have you covered! GI-BMP in-person trainings will be offered on the following dates:

  • Monday evenings, 5 to 7 PM, April 14 through May 5, 2025 – training to be offered in either Spanish or English, based on demand at the House of Hope Enrichment Center in Stuart. Participation in all four of the evening sessions is required in order to obtain certification. To register, contact the House of Hope at 772-286-4673 x1600.
  • June 17, 2025, 9:15 AM – 4:30 PM – training to be offered in English at the House of Hope Enrichment Center in Jensen Beach. To register, contact the House of Hope at 772-286-4673 x1400.

What are the advantages of becoming certified?

Once licensed, landscapers can expand their services to offer fertilizer application on a for-hire basis. Additionally, obtaining the license or passing the certification class demonstrates you have knowledge of best practices for the green industry.  A 2020 survey conducted by UF/IFAS Extension Martin County found that homeowners value licensed/certified landscape professionals. Marketing resources for Treasure Coast landscapers are currently offered at the UF/IFAS Extension Martin County office. Contact Yvette Goodiel, Extension Agent, at 772-419-6962 or for more information.


Posted: March 29, 2022

Category: Events, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Best Management Practices, Commercial Horticulture Digest, Green Industry, Horticulture, Martin County, UF/IFAS Extension, Water