Get the Facts about Navigating the Equifax Data Breach

Get the Facts

Lions, tigers, and scammers, oh my!! As if a data breach at Equifax (announced September 2017) is not enough, look-alike websites continue to pop up offering consumers “help” if their data has been breached. All you’d have to do is just enter your personal information.

I have a credit card?!?If you or someone you know is uncertain about where to go for help, STOP searching! Do not do anything until you are adequately informed. This blog is intended to inform, especially if you were affected or if you think you might have been affected by the Equifax data breach. After all, the data from 147 million people is in jeopardy!

A good place to begin is by visiting the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a bipartisan federal agency assembled to protect consumers by stopping unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices in the marketplace.

To learn more about the Equifax Data Breach, visit the official Equifax Date Breach Website:

File a Claim

To start a claim for benefits, visit From here you will be directed away from Equifax to this link:, and then finally to Once there, you can input your information, knowing you are at a protected site.

If you prefer to not to access the online claim form, you can visit and print out the form. Complete the form and be sure it is postmarked no later than JANUARY 22, 2020.

Federal Trade Commission SealTo learn more about fake settlement websites, read Equifax Data Breach: Beware of Fake Settlement Websites by visiting

Three tips:
1.) Never pay to file a claim.
2.) Never respond to calls, texts, or emails urging you to file a claim.
3.) The Federal Trade Commission is an excellent resource for consumer awareness and protection. The FTC continuously updates its website with information about scams fraud. Make this website your first click to ascertain you are not being tricked by look-alikes.

If you need further assistance about a specific consumer issue, please contact


Posted: August 27, 2019

Category: Money Matters, Work & Life
Tags: Data Breach, Equifax Breach, Identity Theft, Lynda Spence

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