Personality Styles

The importance of becoming familiar with the behavioral styles of individuals is essential in learning how to communicate. The skill many business owners identify as the number one trait an employee must have to be successful is the skill in dealing with people. We have all heard the Golden rule “treat others as you would want to be treated”. In a recent news article posted in Inc. This Morning, Dave Kerpen wrote about a newer version of the Golden Rule known as the “Platinum Rule”. In this rule the focus is “do unto others as they want to be done”. The Golden Rule leaves out the value of other views on situations and solutions, is often incorrect. How we desire to be treated is NOT always how others would also wish to be treated. Each of us has a behavioral or personality style, a process of communicating that differentiates us as individuals to respond in a particular way to a situation or request.

Our behavior style often is very predictable and our differences in how we and others deal with issues can be much more effective if we recognize these simple communication patterns. Identifying our own behavioral style, recognizing the behavioral style of others, and adjusting to the differences can target the number one job skill requirement recognized by employers: Skill in dealing with people. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.”

With this in mind, I want to discuss the DOPE method of identifying personalities and the characteristics of these personality styles. The DOPE Bird Personality Test is an excellent way to learn what attributes contribute to your behavior and communication techniques. These are characteristics you need to know to work with different types of individuals you may encounter in the workplace, on a team, as a customer, your friends, and family. No style is better or worse. What we need to do is adapt ourselves to others dominate style, learn what others want and put them at ease when working with us.

The responsibility of communication falls on YOU! Take the time to determine if you are a Dove. A dove wants to be needed, likes harmony, is loyal and calm, generally friendly, dependable, helpful, supportive, patient in dealing with individuals. Are you an owl? The wise owl, as recognized by the National FFA, is a time-honored emblem recognizing the maturity and knowledge of the leader of their organization. The Owl is mathematically minded, sometimes a perfectionist, follows rules and logic, and is not much of a risk taker. The Peacock enjoys being popular, the center of attention, expressive, friendly, and witty. They are assertive, optimistic, and willing to take on a task: a bit of a risk taker. The fourth and final bird in this quick assessment is the Eagle. An eagle enjoys power and strength, likes results, is disciplined, productive, direct, and decisive in completing tasks.

This tool that can be useful for gaining quick awareness into your internal workings. Each of these birds has a preference on how it handles work habits, communication, decision making, time management, behavior under stress, strengths, and emotional responses. Please take time to consider the process and be in charge of your communication efforts. For further information on personality types, see




Posted: April 27, 2021

Category: , Professional Development, Work & Life
Tags: Communications

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