Building A Hurricane Supply Kit
The Atlantic hurricane season starts on June 1st and runs until November 30th, which means that’s it’s important to have a hurricane supply kit on hand just in case disaster strikes. Circumstances may require you to evacuate your home at a moment’s notice or hunker down and shelter in place to wait for the storm to pass. If you wait until the last minute to get prepared, it may be too late to purchase the necessary items needed. Building a hurricane supply kit well in advance will provide some peace of mind knowing that you and your family are prepared and have the necessary supplies to get you through the situation at hand.
How To Store Your Hurricane Supply Kit
Store your hurricane supply kit items in an easy-to-carry plastic bin or in an airtight plastic bag that has a strap for carrying, or that can be placed inside of a duffel bag. You want to make sure your items stay protected, dry and that you can easily take them with you on the go.
What To Include in Your Hurricane Supply Kit
General Items
- Cellphone and charger
- Flashlights
- Batteries
- Non-electric can opener
- Battery-powered radio
- Whistle (to signal for help)
- Plastic tarp
- Duct tape
- Water purifier
- Plastic trash bags
- Disinfectant wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Soap
- Toilet paper, paper towels, pre-moistened towelettes or baby wipes
- Disposable cups, plates, bowls, napkins, and utensils
- Pen and paper
- Scissors
First Aid Kit
- Bandages
- Antiseptic
- Sterile gauze pads
- Hypoallergenic adhesive tape
- Compress
- Aspirin
- Aspirin-free pain reliever
- Anti-diarrhea medication
- Antacid
- Sunscreen
- Bug spray
- Tweezers
- Thermometer
- Petroleum jelly
- Latex Gloves
- Q-tips
- Cotton balls
Food and Water
- It is recommended to have enough non-perishable, high energy, low salt food to feed you, your family, and your pets for at least 7 days.
- You will need one gallon of drinking water per person per day for at least 7 days plus water to use for cooking and washing.
- Important phone numbers
- Local maps
- Copies of insurance policies
- ID cards
- Medical records
- Banking information
- Service animal ID cards
Pet Care
- Vaccination records
- Collar
- Leash
- ID
- Food
- Carrier
- Bowls
- Toys
- Medication
- Instant tire sealer
- Extra fuel
Special Needs
- A two-week supply of medications as well as the phone numbers for your pharmacy and doctor
- Infant items – wipes, diapers, ready formula, bottles, rash cream etc.
- Prescription eyeglasses, contacts and contact lens solution
- Feminine supplies
- Cash (banks, ATMS and debit card machines may not be available)
- Ice chest/ cooler and ice
- Matches
- Fire extinguisher
- Work gloves
- Tools
If evacuating, you should also take
- Pillows, blankets, sleeping bags and air mattresses
- Extra clothing and shoes
- Folding chairs
- Personal hygiene items
- Games, books, playing cards and toys for children
Helpful Tips
- Make sure to keep cellphones and other devices fully charged during the storm or until you have to evacuate. You may lose power for several hours or several days so conserve your battery for as long as possible. Consider purchasing portable chargers and make sure to have those fully charged before disaster strikes.
- Store food in a cool, dry place and replace expired items as needed.
- Keep your hurricane supply kit in a designated place and have it easily accessible.
- Let friends and/or family know what your hurricane plan is. Keep them updated if you are evacuating (and where) or if you are planning on hunkering down at home. Be sure to keep your contact updated if your plans change.
Find Your Frugal: Five tips to help you save on hurricane preparedness expenses – News (
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