SoilWeb App Update

When the Soils Unit/Manatee County Extension Service hears about important tools that may be of use to our community, we like to share them with you. Here is a link to a recent USDA blog about the release of the updated SoilWeb smartphone application.

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the University of California at Davis Soil Resource Laboratory announced an update to the iOS and Android Soilweb App, now Version 2.0. The updated app has GPS-location-based links to access detailed digital soil survey data (SSURGO) published by the NRCS for most of the United States. Once in the app, click on ‘Get Soil Data’ and the profile for the soil beneath your feet will appear on the screen. Click ‘Details’ to view the Map Unit Details screen.

Whether you are a farmer, gardener, engineer, landowner, or realtor you may find this app handy to have at your fingertips!

WebSoil app screenshot showing some of the map unit soil profiles present at a specific location.
WebSoil app screenshot showing an example of map unit data provided.





Posted: August 1, 2019

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Natural Resources
Tags: Agriculture, Soils