Creating a Platform for Professionals in Ethiopia (C2P – Ethiopia): Strengthening and Accelerating Institutional Linkages Among Ethiopian Livestock Research, Learning, Development, and Business Institutions

The Local Capacity Development (LCD) project in Ethiopia “Creating a Platform for Professionals in Ethiopia (C2P – Ethiopia): Strengthening and Accelerating Institutional Linkages Among Ethiopian Livestock Research, Learning, Development, and Business Institutions,” was launched during the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP) annual conference, which took place in Addis Ababa from November 22 to 23, 2024. The ESAP is one of Ethiopia’s most prominent agricultural professional societies, boasting over 2,000 members from academia, research, and development sectors focused on animal production.

Dr. Yigrem presenting the E-Livestock platform, November 2024. Photo Credit: Sintayehu Yigrem.

A key component of this initiative is the E-Livestock platform designed to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange among livestock academics, researchers, and practitioners.

The C2P launch workshop on November 23, 2024, attracted more than 70 participants, including principal investigators and co-principal investigators from the Livestock Systems Innovation Lab Phase I and II projects, senior management from Hawassa University, ESAP executive committee members, and representatives from various Ethiopian universities with Animal Science programs. These universities include Hawassa University, Haramaya University, Jimma University, Wolaita Sodo University, Arsi University, Bahir Dar University, Debre Berhan University, and Wollo University, as well as the Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training College under the Ministry of Skill and Labor. Additionally, participants came from international, national, and regional research organizations, leading livestock development partners, and the private sector.

The workshop began with official welcome addresses from ESAP President Prof. Daniel Temesgen and Hawassa University’s management and senior staff representatives. Dr. Zeleke Mekuriaw, the coordinator of the Livestock Systems Innovation Lab in Ethiopia, presented the activities undertaken in Phase I and II of the lab’s projects. This was followed by a presentation from Dr. Sintayehu Yigrem, the principal investigator of the LCD project. He introduced the proposed E-Livestock website and the e-learning platforms. The participants provided feedback on both and discussed ideas for effective project implementation and how to sustain the E-Livestock Forum beyond the project duration.


Ana Ugalde-Brenes
Posted: December 16, 2024

Category: Livestock, Professional Development,

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