Ready for action: New Local Capacity Development projects are starting up.

Capacity strengthening often focuses on improving individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes through training. However, it may not be fully effective if it fails to consider interactions within and between organizations and the broader system. Effective localization involves tailoring programs to local contexts as well as leveraging and strengthening local systems and actors by investing in them. International partners can help support sustainable, locally driven solutions by collaborating with local organizations and empowering them to take the lead.

To implement this approach, the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems launched a competitive award process open exclusively to local partner organizations in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Nepal, Niger, and Rwanda. This approach emphasized local ownership and leadership. Throughout the process, the Livestock Lab and the Local Capacity Development theme leader empowered local organizations to design activities that address their needs and contribute to system-wide changes in the livestock research system.

The Livestock Lab’s co-designing process, which employed the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CD4AIS) framework, involved two-day participatory workshops in the target countries. These workshops facilitated local stakeholders to develop ideas to put forward for Local Capacity Development project proposals that empower and enhance capacities within the livestock research system. The ideas generated ranged from forming or strengthening multi-stakeholder platforms, targeted professional development for graduate students and junior researchers, to enhancing research skills and communicating science.

We are pleased to announce that as a result of this process these six projects have been launched:

  • Strengthening the Capacities of Research Scientists and Graduate Students to Advance Research and Policy Action in Food Safety in Burkina Faso: This initiative aims to: (1) increase access to the development and application of internationally competitive research skills, (2) improve the quality of research, (3) increase local, national, and international collaboration between research institutions, and (4) facilitate exchange between researchers, policymakers, and the public sector. Implemented by: Université Joseph KI-ZERBO, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • Strengthening the Technical Performance of the Livestock-Meat Sector through the Training of Stakeholders in the Centre Nord Region of Burkina Faso: This initiative will contribute to the adoption and sustainable dissemination of solar-dried meat technology by developing the skills of value chain actors. Implemented by: Université Joseph KI-ZERBO, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
  • Creating a Platform for Professionals in Ethiopia (C2P- Ethiopia): Strengthening and Accelerating Institutional Linkages Among Ethiopian Livestock Research, Learning, Development, and Business Institutions: The main objective of this project is to create an online platform to accelerate the communication and exchange of knowledge, resources, products, and services between the academia, research, extension and development, and the livestock-related private sector. Implemented by: Hawassa University, Ethiopia
  • Translating Science into Practice for the Development of the Dairy Sub-sector in Nepal: This initiative aims to facilitate scientific research findings exchange with policymakers and practitioners in the livestock sector (mainly dairy and goat sub-sectors) through a research-policy multistakeholder platform in Nepal. Implemented by: Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Nepal
  • Strengthening the Capacity of Junior Researchers, Faculty and Students through a Research Communication and Leadership Academy at the University of Rwanda: The main goal of this initiative is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Rwanda to communicate research to livestock value chain actors in Rwanda through a research leadership and communication academy. Implemented by: University of Rwanda, Rwanda
  • Enhancing the Pig Meat Quality through Training Program for Feild Veterinarians and Slaughtering Personnel in Rwanda: This initiative aims to develop a training course for in-service professionals to enhance pig meat inspection and quality control that will continuously address gaps and limited skills in safe meat from the farm to the table. Implemented by: University of Rwanda, Rwanda.

Ana Ugalde-Brenes
Posted: July 11, 2024

Category: Livestock

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