UF/IFAS Extension Dean Learns by Doing

Co- Authored by Summer Sanders, Levy County 4-H Program Assistant

UF/IFAS Extension Faculty & Staff Participating in a 4-H Shooting Sports Demonstration.
Pictured from L to R: Dr. Eric Simonne- Northeast District Extension Director, Dr. Tyler Pittman- Gilchrist Extension Agent, Dr. Andra Johnson- UF/IFAS Extension Dean, and Summer Sanders- Levy County 4-H Program Assistant.

On Monday, October 24th, 2022, many Extension faculty and staff from several counties gathered at the Levy County Extension Office to meet with Dr. Andra Johnson, Dean of UF/IFAS Extension. It’s not often that 4-H professionals can demonstrate the activities and programs that youth participate in regularly. Levy County 4-H was able to do just that when Dr. Johnson came to visit! Pre-COVID-19, shooting sports was an important aspect of the Levy County 4-H Program.

Ed Jennings- Levy County Extension Director and Mark Warren- Levy County Ag Agent, practice safe handling of firearms.
Ed Jennings- Levy County Extension Director and Mark Warren- Levy County Ag Agent, practice safe handling of firearms.

Unfortunately, this program came to a halt due to the restrictions of COVID-19 and staffing changes within the county 4-H Program. Now, post-COVID-19, the Levy County 4-H Shooting Sports program is truly experiencing a stage of growth and rebuilding. The growth is evident through the formation of the new Archery 4-H Club, Nocked & Loaded. Currently, Levy County 4-H offers Archery and Shotgun programs for its members. The Air Rifle discipline will also be available in the very near future.

Learning by Doing- Life Skills Development

At each Shooting Sports club meeting, youth focus on one or two life skills. Youth select life skills from the 4-H Targeting Life Skills Model. During Dr. Johnson’s visit, we focused on two competencies: Personal Safety and Communication. Florida 4-H Shooting Sports is unique in the fact that you can apply every life skill on the wheel. Through the support of 4-H faculty, staff and caring adult volunteers, youth develop critical life skills such as self-confidence, resiliency, responsibility, and decision making. In the face of controversy, it is important that we advocate for the safe and responsible handling of archery equipment and firearms through Florida 4-H. These disciplines can certainly be utilized to create positive youth development experiences. We thank Dr. Johnson immensely for giving us the chance to share this interaction with him and other UF/IFAS Extension colleagues.

Follow Levy County 4-H on Facebook today!


Posted: October 27, 2022


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