Florida Pesticide Applicators Test Prep/CEU Review Series

**Important Requirement**

An exam voucher is required to be eligible for each test.

Obtain a Chapter 487 exam voucher by completing the required form, online at Fresh from Florida; https://aesecomm.fdacs.gov/Default.aspx?type=RUP

NOTE: 3 CEU’s have been requested for each class.  Details will be coming soon.

$15. Registration fee – Class limited to 20 participants.
Test Prep/CEU Review Series Dates

January 23 – 9AM            CORE/General Standards – Register by January  18, online registration at this Eventbrite link  – click here 

January 23 – 2PM            Private Applicator/Ag Row Crop – January 18, online registration at this Eventbrite link – click here

January 30 – 9AM            Private Applicator/Ag Row Crop – Register by January 25, online registration at this Eventbrite link – click here

Participation in the training is not required for testing and testing does not have to be completed on the day of the training.  if there’s anything specific you would like assistance with, please let me know how I can help! Questions, or to schedule an alternate testing date contact the Levy County Extension Center,  352-486-5131.

January 23rd & 30th MORNING CLASS SCHEDULE

8:30 AM                              Sign-in

9:00-10:15                         Session 1

10:15-10:30                       Break

10:30-12:00                       Session 2

12:00-1:00 PM                  LUNCH (on your own)

1:00 PM                              Testing (exam voucher required)


1:50 -2:00 PM                   Sign-in

2:00-3:15                           Session 1

3:15-3:30                            Break

3:30-5:00                            Session 2

5:00 PM                              Testing (exam voucher required)

The University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as sign language interpreters and listening devices, please contact Mark W. Warren, mwwarren@ufl.edu, 352-486-5131 at least one week in advance. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.


three women posing in front of sign
Posted: December 18, 2023

Category: Agriculture, Events, Professional Development, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Pesticide CEU, Pesticide License - Training, Pesticide Training