Consider Our Water Resources when Using Lawn and Garden Chemicals

This lawn has not been fertilized, irrigated, or sprayed for pests for 20 years and still looks good from the curb! Photo Credit Jim StevensonGuest Article for the Tallahassee Democrat

November 8, 2013

By Mark Tancig

Photo by Jim Stevenson


Leon County’s natural beauty is a big reason people enjoy living here. Leon County Government strives to be a steward of our natural beauty and encourages citizens to do their part to keep our environment unspoiled. One place Leon County citizens can help is in their own yard. Most of us desire a lush, weed-free lawn and garden beds that overflow with beautiful flowers. Lawn companies, pest management companies, fertilizer manufacturers, and home improvement stores offer a wide variety of products that promise to get the job done. Most of these products are chemicals that are either designed to make plants thrive (fertilizers) or to kill unwanted plant and animal life (pesticide products such as herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides). While these products may be necessary to reach the goal of a beautiful lawn, there is a chance that using them in your lawn and/or garden may impact surrounding natural resources.


Since the purpose of these products is to either increase plant productivity or kill unwanted pests, when these chemicals enter a natural setting – stream, lake, and/or wetland – they have the potential to cause algal blooms (fertilizer) or kill beneficial, naturally occurring plant and animal life (pesticides). For this reason, users of these products should do all they can to minimize the negative side effects of fertilizers and pesticides by following common sense lawn care practices, also known as best management practices (BMPs). The following list of BMPs has been developed by numerous government, research, and business entities:


Fertilizer BMPs

ü Follow all label directions for proper mixing rate, method of application, safety precautions, storage, and disposal.

ü Know the square footage of the lawn area to be fertilized since most label application rates are based on square footage.

ü Only fertilize when necessary, such as establishing new plantings or correcting known nutrient deficiencies. If you’re happy with the look of your plants, then fertilizer probably isn’t needed.

ü Before fertilizing, make sure the problem is caused by nutrients rather than poor site/plant selection or pest issues. Cooperative Extension staff can assist with diagnosing plant nutrition or pest problems.

ü Use a fertilizer that contains some slow release nitrogen.

ü In Leon County, a low phosphorus fertilizer is usually adequate for most situations. The middle number on a fertilizer bag tells you how much phosphorus it contains. For example, a bag of 10-0-10 is preferred over a bag of 10-10-10.

ü Do not apply fertilizer before heavy rains. This causes the nutrients in fertilizer (and your investment) to wash away downhill.

ü Only apply fertilizers during periods of active plant growth.

ü Pick up any fertilizer that is spread onto paved or hardened surfaces.

ü Do not apply fertilizers within 10 feet of a waterbody or stream.

ü Avoid weed and feed products. These contain both fertilizer and herbicide which may injure other desirable vegetation.


Pesticide BMPs

ü Follow all label directions for proper mixing rate, method of application, safety precautions, storage, and disposal.

ü Try to avoid the need for pesticides by ensuring proper plant selection and plant health. Plants located in an unsuitable site, under-or over-watered, under- or over-fertilized, and/or not maintained properly may appear to have a pest problem.

ü Before spraying an insecticide or fungicide, remove the affected leaves or plant parts to help remedy the problem. Also, small infestations of large critters can easily be dealt with by picking them off by hand rather than using a spray.

ü Be sure that you have the pest correctly identified and choose the product most appropriate for the pest. Experts at the Cooperative Extension are available to assist with pest identification.

ü Avoid using “broad-spectrum” insecticides since they are not selective in what critters they kill. Remember, nature is full of many beneficial insects that don’t harm your plants and can actually help control the unwanted pests.

ü Only treat the affected area rather than blanketing the whole yard.


No matter what, to protect the environment, the most important ideas to remember before applying a fertilizer or pesticide product is to use only the minimum required to get the job done, use the most environmentally safe product, follow all label instructions, and properly dispose of any unused product and the container.


Citizens can find out more about these and other techniques to maintain a beautiful lawn while protecting the environment at UF/IFAS/Leon County’s Extension Office, located on Paul Russell Road. Extension offers workshops, training, a demonstration garden, open houses, Master Gardener advice, and other special events to encourage a more sustainable community.



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Posted: November 13, 2013

Tags: Fertilizers And BMP, October - December 2014, Pesticides

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