Clover Corner: December 2021

Clover Corner: December 2021 Newsletter

Welcome to the new virtual newsletter for Lee County 4-H! We hope that you find the Clover Corner to be a central location to find beneficial monthly updates on what is going on in the 4-H Program. – Ms. Arielle


Wishing you all a joyous and safe Holiday Season!

A quick reminder, the 4-H office will be closed December 23rd, 2021 through January 3rd, 2022. Please plan accordingly for any paperwork submission and/or signatures needed!

Spread Joy this Holiday Season

When you think of joy what first comes to mind? Is it something that brought joy to you? Or someone else?

The definition of joy is “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying”. It’s important to remember that many of us receive joy in different ways, and this holiday season we are challenging you to be creative and bring joy to others!

Ways to spread Joy:

  • Smile! – One of the easiest ways to spread joy is to simply smile. Smiling brings out the happiness in all of us, and you’ll never know how big or small a smile can affect a stranger or someone you know. A smile has the ability to turn the recipient’s day around!
  • Do the “dirty work” – In any situation, there is always a job that is least liked….those are the “dirty jobs” which no one wants to do. For instance, this could be the dishes or cleaning up trash. Bring others joy and show them you care by doing the necessary dirty work with a smile.
  • Compliment someone – Give someone a genuine compliment this season and bring them joy. A compliment is often a great confidence booster and a way for someone to feel cared for and like they belong. Your compliment can be big or small, no size complement fits all!
  • Be kind online – Being on technology can be a blessing and a curse. Not all youth are on technology and that is okay! If you are, choose to be kind this holiday season and always. Think of kind words, stand up for those that are being bullied, and leave online situations that are not mentally or physically safe.
  • Leave a kind note – Are you a crafty person? Make holiday cards or complement cards to send out anonymously to people you know, or hand them out to strangers! These can have holiday greetings, words of encouragement, or your favorite quotes that help inspire joy.
  • Volunteer your time – If you truly want to make an impact on the strangers around you, consider donating your time to a local charity of your choice this holiday season! There are many organizations that are safe to volunteer through who reach those in need throughout Lee County. Make sure to always have an adult check them out and bring an adult with you when volunteering with a new organization!
New and Improved Website

We have been working behind the scenes and are officially launching our new and improved website! The new website will hopefully ease communication and allow for one access point to materials and information for both Volunteers and Families. Within the website, you will find multiple tabs at the top of the page to help steer you in the direction you need. Within each tab there are resources that are available for both view and print.

We will be adding more information in the days/months to come, but please begin enjoying the new resource on our Lee County Extension Page at:

Once in the Lee County Extension Page, please click the Menu bar in the top right corner (Left image)
Click on 4-H Youth Development
Click on any 3 blue links within this page to access the new website (Middle image)
Within the new website, visit and familiarize yourself with the new tabs (Right image)

What you can find on the website:

  • Project and Record Books
  • Supplementary information (Ethics classes, Premise ID, and Local Fairs/Livestock Show information)
  • End of the Year Awards information
  • County, District, and State Events
  • 4-H Online 2.0 help
  • Club/Club Officer Information
Youth Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for Community Service opportunities? Check out these options below! Please note some are open for clubs as a whole to sign up, if this is the case, please contact your leader if you are interested.

North Fort Myers Parks and Rec Center:

“We set our dates for our upcoming events and wanted to send an ‘official’ request for event volunteers from 4-H. If you need more information about the event, I listed the staff contact below as well. Thanks for helping us out!”

Spring Fest (Stafford Milligan & Mike Rosario) – March 26, 2022
8-10 volunteers
Senior Prom (Jessy Zukaitis & Stafford Milligan) – March 31, 2022
2-4 volunteers

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your club leader to see if you’d like to do it as a club. If it is an independent community service project, please contact Stafford Milligan at NFM Park with your name, club name and best contact method. To volunteer, please reach out to Stafford Milligan at or Mike Rosario at

2021 Holidays without Hunger by Meals of Hope

One of our 4-H favorites is back! This is perfect for club or family community service and a great way to give back to our community.

The Mission of Meals of Hope is “To inspire and empower communities to come together to end hunger.” We believe it is our job to feed people. Meals of Hope began as a food packing organization, and we are the only food packing organization with a priority on keeping the food packed within the United States. We developed five meals specifically designed for the American palate with added vitamins, minerals and proteins to supplement an unbalanced diet. Most of our packed meals are donated to the Feeding America Food Bank Network. More than 30,000 volunteers and 18 full and part time staff members assist Meals of Hope in achieving its Mission.

Date: Saturday December 18th, 2021 from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Location: Lee Civic Center, 11831 Bayshore Road, Fort Myers, FL 33917

To register:

Livestock Record Books

Updated change! 4-H Livestock Record Books will now be completed and turned in separately from the Fair at the request of the SWFL & Lee County Fair Association. What does this mean for you?

  • We are still using the same record books this year, you can find them here.
  • Did you know there is a help guide? Follow the guide to help you achieve a blue ribbon!
  • There will no longer be Fair Premiums, however ribbons will still be in place and we are working on a Blue Ribbon Club Award. (More details on Blue Ribbon Club coming soon!)
  • We will have a record book check in January (think of this as a mid-point check). This check will consist of making sure youth have made significant progress in their books and story. Books should be up to date as of January, and Stories should be no less than half complete.The check consists of your leader signing off that the book is up-to-date leading up to fair in the appropriate box.
  • Record books will be due in completion on or before June 1, 2022 by 4:30 pm to the 4-H office. Each species shown should have a record book, but youth do not need to do more than one record book per animal in the same species.
  • Example: Youth A shows a market steer, rabbits, and poultry. In this case, Youth A would complete a market steer record book, a small animal book for rabbits, and a small animal book for poultry. Youth B shows 2 rabbits. In this case, Youth B will only need to complete one small animal record book for the 2 rabbits.
    If a youth is showing a market animal, they will need to show sale price and the end of their project in their record book. If a youth is showing an animal that is staying in their flock/herd, they will need to show all expenses through June 1st as this is a year long project that doesn’t end after Fair/Livestock Shows.
  • Failure to complete and turn in a Livestock Record Book will result in a strike against member in good standing. A youth who fails to become a member in good standing, will either go on probation and will have meeting dates set up to work on record books at the 4-H office, or will be asked to take a break the following year from 4-H.
  • Please note that if you are going for end of the year awards, these books will count if full completed, and the additional materials for end of the year awards are added.
Florida 4-H Horse Project Updates

Please see the following updates from the Animal Science Department in regards to youth who show horses through 4-H. Stay tuned for Area and State Show Dates and information.

4-H Horse Project Certification form: A big December “To Do” for your Horse project is ensuring that youth certify their project horse(s) by January 1. Please use the forms 4-H Horse & Pony Project Lease Form or Florida 4-H Horse Project Certification Form. All forms of youth registered in Horse Projects should be submitted to Ms. Arielle at or by mail at P.O. Box 3267, N. Fort Myers, FL 33918. Youth showing at any local fairs should also certify their project!

Here are the applicable rules from the rulebook (Pg. 1):

A County Extension Agent must certify the eligibility of the 4-H member as having met minimum project requirements and ownership, age, sex, and registration status of each horse. This information must be on file at the respective County Extension Offices by January 1.
Participant must manage at least one horse of any age or breed as a 4-H horsemanship project. The horse must be owned or leased by the 4-H member, the member’s parents, brother, sister, or legal guardian and certified as a 4-H project by January l of the current 4-H year.
Note: Because youth may enter two horses in Area/State/Regional shows next year, they should make sure that EACH HORSE they may plan to show has a Certification Form submitted for it and is included in their Horse Record Book.

This form is also online under the General Information tab of the Horse Program Info page, (Tab for “Beginning of the Year Forms”). The 4-H Horse Lease Form is on that page as well.

New Senior Horse Record Book is published!

Find the PDF at

Senior 4-Hers are encouraged to use the new book. However, if counties use their own version, they may use it this year while customizing the new book for next year.
*Any Senior considering applying for Florida 4-H Horse Scholarships must use this new book for 2021-22*
The supporting record book page on our ANS site is here,

Youth may Show Multiple Horses in Area, State, Regionals!

Youth may enter two horses at their Area Show, and if qualified, at State and Regionals. Some more specifics:

• Both horses need to be certified as project horses by the January 1 deadline and included in the Horse Record Book.

• Each horse may be entered in up to 5 classes. Entrant may not enter two horses in the same class.

• Each horse/exhibitor combination is one entry and all current class entry parameters apply to the horse/exhibitor combo.

Class list changes for Area & State Shows:

• All Dressage classes will be “Test of Choice” instead of a specific test being designated and used by all.

• Due to lack of entries, there will not be Saddle/Gaited classes.

• “Jumping” has been removed from Area, State, and Regionals.

Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks

As spring approaches, we are all working on getting our club level demonstrations or illustrated talks completed. But these visual presentations don’t have to be scary! Think about what projects or subjects you are most passionate about, or what you might be interested in sharing with others.

A visual presentation is a teaching method in which the presenter shares information with an audience with the assistance of visual aids such as posters, models, and computer presentation software (i.e., PowerPoint or Prezi). A visual presentation can be either (1) a demonstration in which the presenter shows how to do something or (2) an illustrated talk that is accompanied by visual aids to help the audience understand the topic.

A 4-H visual presentation teaches you to express yourself clearly, research a subject, organize ideas in logical order, and develop poise in speaking before a group. It can also help instill independence and mastery in a specific subject.

Some quick tips to remember:

No living specimens may be used for a demonstration either in person or on video at the District or
State Level. This includes all vertebrates and invertebrates (i.e. insects, crustaceans, fish,
amphibians, reptiles, birds, or mammals).
• Demonstrations/ Illustrated talks must be between 3-12 minutes for juniors and intermediates, and
5-12 minutes for seniors.
• A team demonstration is one in which two team members participate both in speaking and
presentation. No more than two members per team.
• State entries must have competed at the county/district levels. Participation guidelines for
county/district level activities that do not culminate at the state level are at the discretion of
planning committees at the county/district

For more information and help on visual presentations, click here.

To read more about categories and divisions for Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks as well as guidelines, click here.

Oh, and don’t forget to have fun!

Stay in touch with us!

Feel like you’re not getting as many social media updates as you used too? You’re not alone! Did you know that in addition to changing their layout, ie pushing pages you’ve liked to a seperate tab, Facebook has also changed their algorithm? A algorithm is the platform’s way of deciding which posts to push in users’ feeds, and when those posts appear. With this update, posts don’t appear in chronological order. Instead, the algorithm assesses posts before ordering them based on interest in a user’s feed. To help beat the silence, you can do a couple of things:

  • Mindfully carve out time to consistently visit our Facebook Page at “Lee County Florida 4-H”
  • Visit our Website here.
  • Like, comment, and share our Facebook posts – The more you engage with a facebook page, the more you will see on your main profile feed!
  • Read our monthly newsletters for updates and upcoming events. You can find these in your email via “4-HOnline” or on the website under Clover Corner Newsletters tab
  • Attend your club meetings – your leadership team of club officers and adult club leaders are filled with information!


Workshops and Events

Avian Bowl Contest – Coming Soon!

Coming this summer at Florida 4-H University… the Florida 4-H Avian Bowl Contest! If you are a youth who participates in avian, or more commonly called poultry projects, this may be of interest to you. More information is to come, however if you are interested and would like a study guide and/or more information, you may also reach out to Florida 4-H State Livestock Specialist, Dr. Chris DeCubellis at

Second Executive Board – Open to all Senior 4-Hers

The Florida 4-H Executive Board is the programming body of the Florida 4-H Council. It is comprised of four (4) delegates from each of the 13 districts, up to 30 appointees, and the eight (8) state officers.

Throughout the year, there are three (3) Executive Board Weekends that allow members to come together to plan and support statewide programs while building lasting relationships with one another.

For those senior 4-H members (ages 14-18 as of September 1st of the current 4-H year) that are interested in becoming a member and want to learn more about Executive Board, this open event is a wonderful opportunity to immerse themselves in all things Executive Board. This weekend is a great opportunity to make connections with youth from across the state and experience what it is like to be a part of the state wide programming board!

This is a shift in what has traditionally been the open Executive Board Weekend. By shifting to Second Executive Board, we hope to allow youth from all project areas to attend. We recognize Third Executive Board Weekend in March was amongst a cramped schedule of other statewide project specific events.

Who: 4-H members ages 14-18 (as of September 1 of current 4-H year)

When: January 14-16,2022

Where: 4-H Camp Timpoochee – Niceville, FL

Cost: $115 for members; $120 for non-members

Registration: November 22, 2021 through January 6, 2022 via 4-H Online

Check-in: Onsite check-in will begin at 7:00 pm EST on the first day. We are unable to accommodate anyone prior to 7:00 pm EST

If you are a senior youth interested in attending, please reach out to Ms. Arielle at so that she can plan transportation/logistics.

Holiday Treat Bake-off Contest

The purpose of the Holiday Treat Bake-Off Contest is to encourage adults and youth to work together on a project while spending time together in the kitchen. This is not a traditional 4-H contest where a 4-H member must do all the work themselves. Mixes, precooked, and non-cooked items may be used in the finished product. Work should be done by the youth with supervision, directions and help of an adult. Entries must have a festive holiday appearance. Judges will be judging products on appearance, taste and display, and food safety qualities.

Find out who has the best dessert recipe in the county! This contest is open to all youth ages 5-18 and each youth may turn in two dishes total, each in a separate category. Cloverbuds will not receive a score, however they will receive a participation certificate. 1st-3rd will be awarded for each 4-H age division in each category, with the 1st place overall winner of each age division receiving the golden spoon.

All baked goods will be due to the Lee County 4-H Office on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Once the turn in time passes, closed room judging will take place shortly after by our guest judges. Placings & Awards will be announced via Zoom on Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM. All contestants will receive a zoom link invite when submitting their entries. Awards & Placings will also be announce via facebook.


Cookies: includes bar cookies
Pies: includes hand pies
Cakes: Includes cupcakes


  1. Youth may enter up to two dishes total: one dish each in two separate categories.
  2. 4-H Bake-Off Entry Form must accompany each baked good submission when turned into the office.
  3. Food Safety practices must be followed.
  4. Baked goods should be delivered in dishes that are disposable. Dishes will not be returned at the end of the event.
  5. Mixes, precooked, and non-cooked items may be used in the finished product.
  6. No live plant material (such as holly, poinsettia, boxwood, etc) may be used. Product will be disqualified.

To help you rock Food Safety practices, read the Food Safety tips provided in this fact sheet.

Please turn in a Holiday Bake-off Contestant Form with each entry. Failure to turn in a contestant form with the entry will result in disqualification.

Insectathon 2022

Insectathon 2022 – Registration is now open! Be sure to register in 4-H online now through January 22.

For more information go to
Contact: Dr. Rebecca Baldwin at for specific questions about the content of the contest.

January Meats & Livestock Judging Clinic

Registration for the 2022 Livestock and Meats Judging Clinics is now Open. Please follow the link below to get registered:

Please contact Dr. Chad Carr if you have any questions on the clinic.

For more information on Meats Judging, click here.

For more information on Livestock Judging, click here.


Posted: January 7, 2022

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: Clover Corner, Lee County, Lee County 4-H, Newsletter