With the excitement of fair right around the corner, comes the reality of preparation. Youth are starting to work with their animals more frequently, gather their show supplies, and put the final touches on their record books. Record books are an important part of the exhibitors livestock project. They provide accurate and up-to-date information on the animal(s) they are exhibiting. Furthermore, they teach accountability, responsibility, and good record keeping in youth. Completing your record book can be a complex portion of your project, but shouldn’t be a stressful one.
The For the Record series are help guides to successfully complete livestock record books for the Southwest Florida & Lee County Fair. Each help guide goes over the record book, along with points values and explanations on each section. Although there is a guideline, youth should still strive to go above and beyond in your book. Some sections in the record book may require more entries based on your animal.
Within the For the Record series you will find a guideline for: Small Animals, Goats, Market Animals, Beef Breeding, and Horse project books. To access the project books, please visit the Southwest Florida & Lee County Fair Livestock Tab and scroll down to the record book section. Record books must be completed up to fair by youth before submitting at Fair for judging.
Take pride in completing and showcasing all of your hard work within your record book, you have done a lot to get here! Good luck this show season, and enjoy your hard-earned Blue Ribbon.
To view the For the Record Series please visit: For the Record: Livestock Record Book Guides. Once you are in the shared drive, click on the species you will be showing to view the help guides.
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