Fact Sheets: Lawns and Turfs | Anthacnose | Cerospora Leaf Spot | St Augustine Grass | Fairy Ring | Fertilization | Gray Leaf Spot | Nitrate Leaching | Rust | Pythium Root Rot | Stephen Brown | Lee County Extension

Preventive Treatments for St. Augustinegrass

Stephen Brown, Horticulture Extension Agent in Lee County.
Posted: October 26, 2018

Category: Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Lawn
Tags: Anthracnose, BMPs For Home Lawns, Bugs In St Augustine, Cerospora Leaf Spot, Drought, Environmental Stresses, Establishing Your Lawn, Fact Sheet, Factsheet, Fairy Ring, Fertilization And Irrigation, Fertilizer, Gray Leaf Spot, Helminthosporium Leaf Spot, Herbicides For Lawn, Insects, Lawns, Nitrate Leaching, Pythium Root Rot, Rust, Soft & Squishy Lawns, Soil Testing, St Augustine Grass, Sugarcane Mosiac Virus, Thatch, Turf

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