Although it is the break week between Spring and Summer semesters, a lot is happening on campus. It’s a great time to run an errand in town or to visit a favorite restaurant (assuming it is open) while almost all of the students are away.
Animal Sciences is hosting the Beef Short Course at the Straughn Center this week to a full house of cattle men and women who want to hear the latest market and research information. We’ll be doing an informal ribbon cutting for the Beef Teaching Unit South facility for those attendees of the short course, with a more formal ceremony to happen in 2018 with the completion of the Beef Teaching Unit North facilities.
Florida Sea Grant and IFAS Extension are hosting a short GIS course on ArcGIS 10.4, a powerful tool for managing natural resources and guiding growth and development processes. They have a great group of participants in this as well.
The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences hosted a college-only graduation ceremony for its bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and I had the privilege (along with Cathy Carr) of announcing the names of the graduates as they crossed the stage. It had been 3 years since the last time the college held their own ceremony.
At a university-wide level, utility work is closing the main thoroughfare of Gale Lemerand Drive for the entire summer between Museum Road and Stadium Drive. For maps and more info, see here.