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Tag: Pest Alert

USDA Confirms Screwworms in the Florida Keys

October 7, 2016

Screwworms were eradicated from the Southeast back in 1959. This week USDA's Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) confirmed the presence of New World Screwworms Cochliomyia hominivorax in three deer in the Florida Keys. At this ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Ag In The News, Beef Cattle, Dairy, Goats, Horse, Insects, Livestock, Panhandle Agriculture, Pest Alert, Pest Management, Screwworm, Sheep, Swine
perilla mint

Scout Pastures for Toxic Perilla Mint this Fall

September 19, 2014

Perilla mint (perilla frutescnes) aka Beefstakeplant is a toxic weed that typically grows in shady, to partially shaded areas, damp spots, woodland edges, and fence-lines of pastures in the Southeast. Positive identification of this ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Beef Cattle, Dairy, Forage & Pasture, Goats, Horse, Livestock, Panhandle Agriculture, Pasture, Pasture Management, Perilla Mint, Pest Alert, Pest Management, Sheep, Toxic Plants, Weeds