UF/IFAS Extension Jackson County is excited to welcome Ashley Kush as the new Horticulture Extension Agent. Ashley will serve specialty crop farmers, such as vegetable, fruit, citrus, nut, ornamental nursery, and sod production systems in Jackson County. She will coordinate Master Gardener Volunteers that provide homeowners with educational programs and advice on gardening, landscaping, and lawn maintenance. Services available include soil and nematode testing, plant and weed identification, insect and disease identification, and pest and plant management recommendations.
Originally from Tampa, Florida, Ashley brings 10 years of experience in sustainable agriculture, with a strong background in ornamental horticulture, public garden management, and landscape design. Ashley earned her bachelor’s degree in Environmental Horticulture Sciences from the University of Florida. She completed her Master’s degrees in Business Management and International Business at the University of Florida as well. Ashley will be a great addition to our local team!
If you have questions about your garden, landscape, or specialty crop, Ashley can be contacted at the Extension Office, 2741 Pennsylvania Ave, Marianna, or by phone at 850-482-9620, via email to ashleykush@ufl.edu or on the web at http://jackson.ifas.ufl.edu. You can also follow the horticulture program by signing up for the email newsletters at subscribe.ifas.ufl.edu and select Gardening in the Panhandle for homeowners, or Panhandle Ag e-News for commercial farmers. If you are a Facebook user, the Master Gardeners have a page that home gardeners will want to follow @JacksonFLMasterGardeners, and for commercial farmers the Facebook page of choice is @FlaPanhandleAgriculture.
The University of Florida (UF), Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), UF/IFAS Extension is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide educational information without discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations.