UF/IFAS Beef Cattle & Forage Specialists, and County Extension Agents serving the Florida Panhandle worked to develop a basic management calendar for cattle producers. The purpose of this calendar is to provide reminders for management techniques with similar timing to those used at the North Florida Research and Education Center’s Beef Unit, near Marianna, Florida. Links to useful publications with more information are also provided.

October Management Reminders
October is a very busy month on cattle operations ranging from heifer vaccinations to hay harvest and winter forage planting. With so much to do, it is a good idea to review this list of management reminders to develop your own “To-Do” list. Make sure you reserve at least one day to go to Moultire for the Sunbelt Ag Expo!
Cattle Herd Management
- Pre-breeding Cow & Heifer Vaccination (1 Month prior to breeding)
- vaccinate with IBR, BVD, BRSV, PI3 , vibrio-lepto, 7-way clostridial
- remove fly tags
- deworm
- record body condition scores
- Feed weaned heifers limited supplement
- Inventory hay and purchase additional bales as necessary (2 tons/cow)
- Forage test hay to determine supplement needs
- Evaluate and repair hay feeding equipment and replace as needed
- Hay rings, spears, trailers
- Move yearling heifers to clean, dry calving pasture & record body condition
- Put together calving emergency kit
- Vet phone numbers, O.B. chains, calf puller, gloves, lube, antibiotic, syringe and needles, prolapse S needle and surgical thread, antibacterial soap, bucket and a clean towel, colostrum and milk replacer.
- Evaluate breeding bulls secure needed replacements
- Increase supplementation to weaned replacement heifers and start feeding hay
Pasture Management
- Plant prepared seedbeds with annual winter forages (ryegrass, oats, rye, wheat, clovers, vetch) for grazing, haylage or silage when there is adequate moisture after Oct 15
- If considering alfalfa as a monoculture, adjust pH near 7.0 and use a prepared seedbed
Pest Management
- Scout for Grass Loopers, control if 3 worms/sq. ft. threshold is reached
- Control blackberries
- Scout pastures for poisonous weeds, spray, mow, or remove if found
- Use nonselective herbicide on pastures that are due for renovation. Especially for heavy infestations of grass weeds such as centipede or common Bermudagrass.
Annual Educational Events
Attend Sunbelt Ag Expo October 17-19 (Stop by the UF/IFAS Barn)
Use the following link to download the entire Cattle & Forage Management Annual Calendar:
Panhandle Ag Extension Team Cattle & Forage Management Calendar
Developed by the Panhandle Agriculture Extension Livestock and Forage Team: