Country Bumpkins Start Off Year With a BOO!

DSC05205I had the wonderful opportunity to visit with the members, parents and leaders of the Country Bumpkins last night at their club meeting/officer election/ Halloween Costume Party! Wow do they know how to get it done! They started off the evening with a power point presentation from a representative of the office of the Supervisor of Elections that explained just what voting is and how it evolved. Next they heard speeches from candidates running for office. After the speeches all members went outside to vote in either of 4 voting booths that had been set up for them. All the while the voting was going on, another volunteer was teaching a craft inside! After the voting was completed, the votes were counted and the new officers were announced. Everyone was treated to awesome foods that were prepared with a “Halloween” theme. My hat is off to the ladies who work with this club. The volunteers and members did a fantastic job!


Posted: October 2, 2013

Category: Clubs & Volunteers

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