FORT PIERCE, Fla.—Mark Kistler, a proven national leader in agricultural and natural resources, invites your views on topics to support strategic positioning efforts in your community as we move further into the dynamic 21st century.
Kistler is a professor and director for your University of Florida/IFAS Indian River Research and Education Center, an American Association for Agricultural Education Fellow, a noted University of Florida graduate with a Ph.D. in agricultural education from Texas A&M University, seeks your participation in a brief online survey. Click here to access the survey.
“On behalf of the university, we greatly value agricultural and natural resource stakeholder’s views who serve the Indian River region, including Okeechobee,” Kistler said. “The stakeholders’ input will greatly assist as we direct our research, Extension and educational programs to meet the region’s needs,” said Kistler.
The survey is open now and will be available through March 28. Responses will be anonymous.
Kistler said the Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) since 1947 has served the agricultural and natural resources interests along the coast from Brevard to Martin and Okeechobee counties.

Kistler leads 12 faculty members, postdoctoral research associates, visiting scientists, graduate students who pursue master’s and doctoral degrees, and more than 50 staff members. The center is part of UF’s statewide effort to lead agricultural and natural resource protection through research, extension, and education. Research at IRREC involves crop production, invasive species management, aquaculture, soil and water science, and sustainability.
Kistler brings over 37 years of experience in strategic planning and educational program development, and according to FFA leaders, Kistler’s talents have risen to a national level. Kistler’s career trajectory includes roles as an Extension director and agent for three of Florida’s counties, professor at the Texas Tech University, University of Florida, North Carolina State University, and Dean for Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.
In his initial months with IRREC, Kistler structured and launched this strategic planning effort, appointed new advisory committee members, and formed a vision for the center’s next five years. Kistler recruited new members to the board to oversee its success as a regional leader with worldwide research collaborations.
“Join us to harness the opportunity and position IRREC as the leader in agricultural and natural resource research, Extension, and thought leadership,” Kistler said. “We aim to direct our efforts, confront emerging agricultural, environmental, economic, and societal issues, and develop a strategic response with next-generation solutions.”