New Course in Plant Pathology

Liliana Cano, assistant professor at the University of Florida’s Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) in Fort Pierce, is offering a new undergraduate level course, “Survey of Plant Pathogens,” or PLP 3230.

The course will take place 100 percent online.

“The course will provide students with an introduction to the main groups of pathogens that are the cause of plant disease, how they spread and affect plants, and how they are identified and managed,” said Cano.

Students who complete the course will gain skills to recognize the history and discovery of organisms associated with plant diseases and be able to differentiate plant pathogens by phylogeny, morphology, and genetics. Further, the students will be prepared to compare plant pathogen lifestyles, recommend strategies to manage plant pathogens and explain the importance of plant pathogens to modern agriculture.

Those interested in PLP3230 may view the course syllabi electronically at: To read about Liliana Cano, access her biographical site at:, or To contact Cano directly, call 772-577-7350, or email:


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Posted: January 10, 2019

Category: Crops, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Research

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