Announcing the Winners of the 2020 UF/IFAS Extension Blog Awards!

Congratulations to all the winners of our 2020 UF/IFAS Extension Blog Awards!!! We have such an abundance of amazing writers and contributors developing blogs at UF/IFAS, it was a challenge to pick the winners! Thank you to everyone who participated.

2020 UF/IFAS Extension Blog Award Winners


Most Impactful

The Most Impactful Award recognizes a blog that has a high impact on our readers.

Winner: Heather Janneyusing zoom in our new digital world graphic image

Post: Using Zoom in our New Digital World

Published: May 2020, UF/IFAS Extension Columbia County Blog

Heather recognized that residents in rural areas had often not been exposed to zoom. By breaking down the zoom platform in her blog, she help make it more accessible. The information allowed growers, 4-H families, and others across the state to maintain a personal connection during a difficult time. One 4-H club that used to meet 3x a year, has now begun meeting monthly via zoom because they feel so comfortable with the platform, thanks to Heather’s work.


Best Series (Two Winners)

Blogs.IFAS recognizes the time and effort involved in developing a blog series that will connect with readers.

Winner: Tatiana Sanchez, DPMtatiana sanchez profile image

Series: Starting a Farm

Published: March 2020, UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Blog

In this seven-part series, Tatiana breaks down in detail how to start a farm. Tatiana saw a need in 2019 when about 17% of calls she received were related to agricultural business, specifically how to start a farm. Her series covers many topics including how to find land, finances, and how to choose your crops.

michael sipos author image and profile


Winner: Michael Sipos

Series: Fishing in Florida during COIVD-19


Published: March 2020, UF/IFAS Extension Collier County Blog

When COVID struck, Michael noticed many outdoor recreational activities were discontinued, but fishing was about to flourish. Fishing in Florida provides the state with more than $11.5 billion in economic impact each year. Michael felt it was his duty to introduce those new to fishing to the rules so everyone could have a positive experience—and that’s how he created his seven-part series, Fishing in Florida.


Quirkiest Story

Quirky stories can draw readers in with their interesting titles and great content, often showcasing something we have all seen or heard of but didn’t quite know how it worked.

Winner: Hannah Wootenbermuda grass frost psychedelic effect

Post: Psychedelic Grass: It’s Not What You Think

Published: March 2020, UF/IFAS Extension Orange County Blog

In the digital age there’s lots of items competing for our attention and it can be hard to make someone stop to care about something like grass. But Hannah captivated our attention with her catchy headline and imagery showing something we all have seen but might not have known how to go about finding an answer to our question.


Legacy Bloggers

Being a long-term blog/blogger takes dedication, planning, and coordination. The amount of quality content from these blogs is amazing! Thank you for being with us from the very beginning.

UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade County, October 2013

UF/IFAS Extension Pinellas County, November 2013

UF/IFAS Extension Duval County, October 2013

UF/IFAS Extension NW District, 2012

UF/IFAS Extension Marion County, 2013

UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade County, 2013

UF/IFAS Extension Pinellas County, 2013


Thank You to All Our Bloggers!

From everyone at UF/IFAS, we want to thank all our bloggers—your contributions help improve the lives of Floridians and readers across the globe! Keep on blogging!! <3 <3 <3

Featured image by sergign –


Posted: September 24, 2020

Category: UF/IFAS Communications, UF/IFAS Extension

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