Where is IFASBOOKS this week?
Leon County Extension Open House and Plant Sale
May 7
9 am – 12 pm EDT
UF/IFAS Extension Leon County
May 8th is Mother’s Day, and there are so many ways to express our appreciation for the special women who’ve given us love and support. The UF/IFAS Extension Bookstore has several items that will help make this Mother’s Day extra-special for her.
Native Plants for Florida Gardens
Stacey Matrazzo and Nancy Bisset
Pineapple Press
If you’re giving mom a plant this year, why not make it the right plant for the right place? This book profiles 100 Florida native wildflowers, shrubs, vines, and trees that will tolerate Florida’s roughest conditions, resist diseases, and support biodiversity. Each entry presents a native plant in vibrant color, with information about hardiness zones, planting, propagation, and tips for lifelong care. With the help of this book, your gift to mom can be the start of a lovely, low-maintenance garden that will thrive and remain beautiful.
218 pp.
Florida’s Birds: A Field Guide and Reference
David S. Mehr and Herbert W. Kale II
Pineapple Press
If your mother has a bird feeder, or you’re planning to give her one for Mother’s Day, enhance her experience by gifting her with this outstanding field guide to Florida’s birds. Over 476 bird species and subspecies are featured with quick references, range maps, and illustrations in vivid color of males and females, adult and immature birds. For those new to birding, it also includes an illustrated index by common names, a guide to the 25 best birding spots in Florida, and a checklist to mark each time you identify a new bird.
For broader knowledge, there are sections on bird habitats, endangered and threatened species and exotic species. There’s even practical advice about attracting and feeding wild birds, caring for sick, injured and orphaned birds, what to do about swifts in your chimney or squirrels on your birdfeeder, and more.
360 pp.
Wildlife Journals and Blank Books
Mom can indulge her creativity and scientific curiosity with these beautiful wildlife-themed journals. Perfect for recording notes, observations, thoughts, and sketches, each journal is 5.5″ by 8.5″ and has 160 pages with lined pages (except the Hummingbird journal, which has blank unlined pages).
For more Mother’s Day gift ideas, visit ifasbooks.ifas.ufl.edu.