Farewell, Sheila!

Sheila Shaw, our customer service rep, is leaving the IFAS Extension Bookstore to start a new position as an educator for the Family Nutrition Program in Duval County. Sheila first joined IFAS Communications in 2009, where her people skills quickly made her an indispensable member of the bookstore team. Many customers have been greeted by her warm smile, enthusiasm, and knowledge of bookstore items. She has also been a patient guide to newcomers unfamiliar with technology. Whenever the bookstore shows up at events, people immediately ask “Where’s Sheila?”

Behind the scenes, Sheila has been an extremely hard worker, a quick study, and a team player. When we lost our warehouse manager, Sheila stepped in and learned how to drive the forklift. She regularly attended IFAS Communications management meetings and contributed innovative ideas for new products and practices. She is a knowledgable and considerate colleague, who will go out of her way to help a co-worker, a customer, or even the turtles that sometimes wander out of Lake Alice into our parking lot.

We, as well as many of our customers, are going to miss Sheila. However, we are very excited about her move to Duval County, where the FNP team will be gaining an outstanding new educator.

Congratulations Sheila!

Recommended at IFASBOOKS

This week, Sheila picks her favorite titles at the bookstore:

Identification of Weeds in Florida Citrus

Stephen Futch, David Hall and Brent Sellers

Good for identifying invasives and native weeds, or a.k.a native wildflowers.  I recommend this and use it for weed pulling, weed (native wildflower saving) transplanting, foraging, and freaking out nephews with my knowledge of plant names when walking down any street. Or when hiking in the Dominican Republic!

This guide for citrus growers is also a useful tool for homeowners, naturalists, and gardeners, who will find these weeds not only in agricultural fields.

113 pp.




Cross Creek Kitchens

 Sally Morrison and Kate Barnes

University Press of Florida

I read this while on vacation. I have at least three targeted recipes I want to try!

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings is the Pulitzer-prize winning author of The Yearling and a bit of a legend in north central Florida. Her homestead at Cross Creek is an Historic State Park, visited by thousands of tourists each year.

Inspired by Rawling’s Cross Creek Cookery, this book features southern fare and local favorite recipes interlaced with stories of life in the small community made famous by Rawlings. This classic cookbook from 1983 has been revised with more than 150 recipes that reflect a focus on natural ingredients, healthy substitutions and seasonal availability in local Florida markets.

224 pp.



Propagating Fruit Plants in Florida

Mercy Olmstead, Jose Chaparro, Patrick Conner, Tim Crocker, and Mike Young

I give this to family and friends when they buy new fruit trees or as housewarming gifts. My Papa has saved our kumquat tree from permeant death by starting new trees from cuttings.   I have learned how to have better-rooted cuttings from the tips in this publication. Works on ivies and passion flowers. My 2nd floor balcony was considered a fire hazard at one time. LOL!

Grafting, budding, layering, cuttings–they’re easier than you think! This field-tested, practical guide takes dooryard growers step-by-step through the most useful and successful ways to propagate tropical and subtropical fruit plants in Florida. This new edition of a long-time favorite is completely revised and includes over 50 full-color photos.

36 pp.


For more, visit ifasbooks.ifas.ufl.edu


Posted: April 11, 2022

Category: Blog Community, Professional Development, UF/IFAS Communications
Tags: UF IFAS Bookstore

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