Leaf-footed bugs are a garden pest and they can feed on many plants, including ornamental plants, fruits, and vegetables. See these links for more information about leaf-footed bugs and other stink bugs: https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/orn/leaffooted_bug.htm and https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pdf/IN/IN53400.pdf.
Leaf-footed bug nymphs can be mistaken for beneficial insects, such as assassin bugs. These photos show the leaf-footed bug’s development from egg to nymph. Notice how the egg changes color as the nymphs become ready to emerge. Hand-removal is one the best – and least toxic – ways to control these pests.
Scout your garden often – I scout mine every couple of days – to monitor for pests, hand-remove when necessary, and treat issues before they become persistent problems.