How To Get a Soil Test Done

No matter what gardening project you are planning (vegetable garden, replacing your lawn, planting a tree, etc.), the best place to start is with a soil test. The University of Florida’s Soil Testing Lab will analyze your sample for levels of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The pH of the soil will also be measured and the lab will make recommendations on what you can do to improve your soil if it is currently less than ideal.

The following fact sheet contains everything you need to know to be able to take a soil sample and send it off to be analyzed:

Click Here For More Information

Forms and sample bags can be picked up from our office, or you can just download the form and use paper lunch bags for the samples. Send your samples to:

UF / IFAS Analytical Services Laboratories

2390 Mowry Road

Wallace Building #631

P.O. Box 110740

Gainesville, FL 32611-0740

Telephone: 352-392-1950

FAX: 352 392 1960



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Posted: July 28, 2022

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping

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