Now is a good time for a reminder to all of us about knowing safe snakes from dangerous ones. No matter how well groomed we keep our lawns, from time to time we all see snakes in our backyard. Check out this website for a wealth of information (includes photos) on snake species found in Florida. or On-line Guide to Snakes of Florida.
Note also that snakes may move with changing habitat. For example, where land is being cleared and new development is occurring, people in surrounding neighborhoods should be aware that these changes may occur.
Source: Safety News & Notes, UF/IFAS, June 2008
November 11, 2020
Glad you like the suggestions! Have a wonderful holiday!
November 11, 2020
Great ideas! I am printing this off and saving it. Thanks!
October 31, 2020
Hello Ghicks, This is a very Good story the student are planted two trees it's very good work for our nature. Thank you for share this article.
August 10, 2020
Thank you, Tracy! There are many great simple and inexpensive cleaning ideas that can save us money at the stores!
August 7, 2020
Beth Kerr is a awesome advocate for the best things in life are simple and good. Thank you .
June 24, 2020
I recently had to remove a Red Rat Snake from my home. I had the doors and windows open and 13 newly hatched chicks peeping in the dining room. I think she smelled the chicks, came in under the screen door and got lost under my bed, where she spent the night. I found her in my bathroom next day and was able to catch and release her back out in the yard, after a photo of course. Mom the snake catcher. She was over four feet long!
June 23, 2020
Thanks! Just came across a six-foot snake in my backyard. I didn't stop to identify it, but this will be helpful if we ever cross paths again.
May 24, 2020
Well said Thank you for the great information.
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