Take a Break from Virtual Learning and Take Your Children Outside
July 28, 2020
Wonders of your Backyard There are so many wonders of nature in our own backyards or at a local park. They key is to slow down and look really closely. There are frogs, lizards, dragonflies, birds and unusual plants to be explored. Don't worry ... READ MORE
Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Lawn, Pests & Disease, WildlifeTags: #beneficialinsects, #kidsinnature, #mastergardenervolunteers, #nativeplants, #northfloridagardening, #pestsinnorthflorida, #zebralongwing, Explore, Gardening, Mushrooms, Pollinators, Snails, Wildlifegardening