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Tag: Katie Stofer

Dr. Stofer goes to Washington

October 20, 2015

I was recently privileged to attend the White House's forum on citizen science (aka public participation in scientific research). I blogged about the new toolkit released to promote and support citizen science and the potential for it in Cooperative ... READ MORE

Tags: Katie Stofer

STEM … plus plus plus = ???

September 24, 2015

So STEM. I talked about what it means to me in an earlier brief post. I most often hear it as an acronym for "science, technology, engineering, and math," as in "STEM Education" (in fact, my professional title includes STEM Education). However, ... READ MORE

Tags: Katie Stofer

What does STEM mean to me?

October 22, 2014

I got a chance to look back at my former lab at Oregon State today:, and I saw Susan's post asking what I think of as STEM? As those who know my career path might imagine, like Susan, I've had STEM, particularly science and math, in my world ... READ MORE

Tags: Ag-STEM, Katie Stofer, STEM

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