I'm your Florida-Friendly Landscaping and Urban Horticulture Agent with UF-IFAS Extension Sumter County. I hold a PhD in Agricultural Education and Communication with an emphasis in International Extension and a minor in Nonprofit Organizations from the University of Florida. Both my master's and bachelor's degrees are in Plant Protection and Pest Management from the University of Georgia. The overall goal of my program is to teach homeowners and landscape professionals how to care for their landscapes in an environmentally-friendly manner to reduce non-point source pollution. I collaborate with other faculty, government agencies, and or industry representatives to offer classes in areas such as: Green Industry Best Management Practices (GI-BMP), pesticide certification and testing; Florida-Friendly Landscaping, drought tolerant plants, and vegetable gardening. My office is based in The Villages at 8015 CR 466, Suite A. Phone: 352-689-4671.