Dr. Emily Kraus was born and raised in Indiana. She began her higher education in Entomology at Purdue University. There, she focused on both biological control and medical entomology. She continued on to her M.S. at Kansas State University maintaining her studies on mosquito-transmitted disease. Then she took a break from academia to serve in the U.S. Peace Corps in Senegal, West Africa. Upon her return, she resumed her studies by working in integrated pest management in rice production at Louisiana State Univerisity. While working on her Ph.D. she traveled extensively to rice-producing regions of the world. Her desire for travel carried her through her postdoctoral fellowship at Rhodes University in South Africa where she again studied biological control. This experience set her up nicely for a position with FDACS and subsequently her current role as a UF Extension Scientist for pesticide knowledge and safety at the Pesticide Information Office (PIO). emilyckraus@ufl.edu