Grateful Gator Day

The first Grateful Gator Day was celebrated on November 18, GGD 106 resized2015 at UF’s Plaza of the Americas.

Hosted by the UF Alumni Association, this event gave students the opportunity to thank longtime UF supporters for their generosity. It also increased student awareness of the impact of private giving: last year alone, UF alumni, parents, and friends gave $315 million to UF.

The event was an incredible success. Students flocked to write thank you notes, take photos and record video clips of themselves saying thank you. The Pep Band and Alberta joined in on the celebration. At the end of the day, 1,000 hand-written thank you messages were ready to be sent to 1,000 donors who have supported UF for at least 20 years. Photos and videos from the event were sent out to another 30,000 donors via email.

The student response was overwhelming! It looks like Grateful Gator Day will become an annual event—We’re already planning for next year’s. Thanks for being a #GratefulGator!

Article from The Alligator
GGD 59 resizedGGD 41 resizedGrateful Gator Day thank a donor campaign at the Plaza de Americas on Wednesday, November 18th, 2015.


Posted: December 14, 2015


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