General Summer Staff/Lifeguard

Responsible to: Summer Program Director, Resident Director, State Business/
Administrative Manager, and State Program Coordinator


Desired Qualifications:
  • Desire and ability to work with children and adults in camp setting
  • At least 18 years of age or out of high school one full year. Applicants that are current year high school graduates will be considered if they meet the following criteria: a) 18 years of age b) have been actively involved in 4-H Camping, c) have been a 4-H Counselor at one of the four 4-H camps, d) have a written recommendation from their 4-H Agent and e) have a verbal recommendation from a 4-H Camp Director.
  • Ability to accept and adapt to guidance and supervision
  • Ability to teach various activities
Responsibilities Include, but are not limited to:
  • Doing what needs to be done to provide campers with an amazing camp experience
  • Actively participate in all staff training activities
  • Be on time for all activities
  • Attend staff meetings
  • Work as part of a team with other staff members to make sure that all weekly duties are accomplished
  • Set a good example for all campers and fellow staff members. Including cleanliness, punctuality, language, sportsmanship, and table manners.
  • Follow all camp rules and regulations including those of attire (clothes and shoes), smoking and use of alcohol and drugs.
  • Encourage and practice respect of personal property, camp equipment, and facilities.
  • Communicate any problems or issues as they arise during the camp week to the Summer Program Director
  • Observe the nightly curfew for staff members during camp week.
Program Responsibilities:
  • Develop lesson plans for each activity and class that is assigned.
  • Gather material and supplies for classes. Make sure that you are prepared.
  • Lead assigned afternoon and evening programs
  • Maintain a neat and tidy instructional area
  • Care for the equipment and materials used in your area. Report any damaged items or inventory needs to the Summer Program Director so items can be restocked in ample time.
  • Conduct Morning Excitement activities as assigned
  • Perform nightly duties as assigned prior to going to bed. For example: Lighting check, building and security checks
  • Other duties as assigned
Lifeguard Ad

Posted: May 1, 2019

Category: 4-H & Youth, Camp, Clubs & Volunteers, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, UF/IFAS Teaching