Wakulla 4-H Day & Residential Camps

Your child’s mind may be on Spring Break as February turns to March but here at the UF/IFAS Extension office, planning for summer is well underway. This summer, Wakulla 4-H has day camps available for children who want to learn all about insects or all about how to manage and grow their finances now and in the future. The always popular cooking and grilling camps are back. Sewing camp has added an advanced track for those who have become experienced with needle and thread after prior years attending our popular sewing camp. New to our summer day camp line up this year will be two archery offerings – for beginning or more advanced archers.

Day Camp Registration

Day Camp registration is open as of March 3. There are limited day camp spots available. Once a camp is full, UF/IFAS Extension staff will take names for a cancellation waiting list.

Registration for Camp Timpoochee

Registration for Camp Timpoochee will open in April. Wakulla 4-H offers a week of overnight residential camp at Camp Timpoochee in Niceville every summer. For 2019, that week is July 8-12. Students ride bus transportation to camp together. They depart from the UF/IFAS Extension office in Crawfordville on Monday morning and return Friday afternoon. While at Camp Timpoochee, students stay in air conditioned cabins and enjoy a range of activities including crafts, swimming, boating, and archery. Please watch this site and the Wakulla 4-H Facebook page for details and registration dates for Camp Timpoochee.

Update Your Child & Family 4-H Membership

To register your child, please create or update an existing family profile in 4-H online https://florida.4honline.com. Once your profile is complete or updated and your registration becomes active, you may register your child for one of the 2019 summer camps. New family profiles may take up to 24 hours to become active in the system.

Day Camps
Wakulla 4-H Insect Camp (click here)

June 10-12
Ages 8-13 (Rising grades 3rd -8th) – ONLY 10 Available OpeningsInsects

Kitchen Creations (click here)

Jun. 10 – 12
Ages 10-12 (Rising Grades 4th-6th) – ONLY 12 Available Openings


Grilling Camp (click here)

Jun. 13 – 14
Ages 10-18 (Rising Grades 4th-12th) – ONLY 10 Available OpeningsGrilling


Cash Cultivators (click here)

Jun. 17 – 19
Ages 12-18 (Rising Grades 6th-12th) – ONLY 10 Available Openings


Wakulla 4-H Advanced Archery Camp (click here)

Jun. 18 – 20
Ages 14-18 (Rising Grades 9th-12th)


Wakulla 4-H Beginner & Novice Archery Camp (click here)

Jun. 25 – 28
Ages 8-13 (Rising Grades 3rd-8th)

Sew Much Fun (Beginner) (click here)

Jul. 8 – 10
Ages 9-12 (Rising Grades 4th-8th) – ONLY 10 Available Openings


Sew Much Fun Camp (Advanced) (click here)

Jul. 11 – 12
Ages 11-14 (Rising Grades 5th-9th) – ONLY 10 Available Openings

Overnight Residential Camp
Camp Timpoochee (click here)

July 8-12
Ages 8 to 184-H Timpoochee

Eligible To Serve As Cabin Counselors

Note: Campers aged 14 to 18 may be eligible to serve as cabin counselors. This leadership role counts toward Bright Futures service volunteer hours. Camp counselor applications will be available in late March and interviews will be announced in early April.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information, and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions, or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A&M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating

Posted: March 4, 2019

Category: 4-H & Youth, Camp, Clubs & Volunteers, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: 4-H, 4-H Club Group Activities, 4-H Events And Activities, Wakulla 4-H, Wakulla County 4-H