1) Situation/Problem Statement and Objectives: About 79 million adults have prediabetes, with high blood sugar levels that are not yet in the diabetic range. Prediabetes substantially raises the risk for developing type 2 diabetes (https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-study-finds-interventions-prevent-type-2-diabetes-give-good-return-investment ) Lifestyle change is difficult and after a year-long program of making positive changes, it is easy to regress to former habits. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26377054) Extension can assist DPP participants to continue making improvements after the program has concluded.
2) Education Methods/Procedure/Approach: In order to maintain success, Extension has sought program sponsorship, encouraged participants to volunteer and provided related opportunities. A closed Facebook page was adopted by some participants. Others receive bi-monthly emails emphasizing topics from the program. Weekly chair aerobics, yoga and the Strong Bodies program have been offered to the participants at no cost. An Agent was hired with expertise in exercise physiology. “All individuals with prediabetes should be encouraged to be regularly physically active.” (Guidelines for Exercise Testing) Hands-on cooking classes were offered. Healthy cooking and Mediterranean diet classes were attended by DPP graduates.
3) Results/Findings/Product: Follow up evaluations show that some of these opportunities are more helpful than others and participants have been asked to continue submitting progress reports. Computer-conducted surveys, one on one interviews and self-reporting data have provided feedback. Data is biased in that those who have been successful have been the ones who continue self-reporting, but participants in these additional programs have continued success. Participants recruited others to new classes and one participant wanted to continue to the extent of facilitating a work-site program in her place of work.
4) Conclusion: Expanding experiences on DPP principles of eating well and staying physically active have helped participants continue their health-related outcomes.
EXPANDING ON SUCCESS, AFTER THE DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM LuAnn Duncan, Sumter County, Jana Griffin, Orange County, Mia Wilchcombe, Lake County