2021 GCA&NRYO Livestock Show – Highlighting our Youth

This past weekend, March 26 and 27, 2021, 4-H and FFA youth competed at the Gulf Coast Agriculture and Natural Resources Youth Organization’s spring livestock show and auction. Youth exhibited chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, pigs, sheep, goats, and cows. In addition to showing their animals in the show ring, youth were quizzed on their knowledge of their projects. In the show ring youth may compete in two types of classes, one focused on the youth which is known as showmanship, and the other focused on the animal in either a breed or weight class. Over the past few months and even years, these youth have poured countless hours into working and preparing these animals. Please join us in congratulating all youth on their accomplishments!

Beef Breeding Supreme Champion– Leah Rutherford

Youth showing their goats at the 2021 GCA&NRYO livestock show in Molino, FL.

Beef Breeding Reserve Champion- Tucker Padgett

Grand Champion Preview Steer– A.T. Bridgers

Reserve Champion Preview Steer- Leah Rutherford

Grand Champion Market Steer– Jessica Conti

Reserve Champion Market Steer- Ally Oliver

Grand Champion Dairy Cow– Tucker Padgett

Reserve Champion Dairy Cow- Maliya Porter

Grand Champion Market Swine– Ella Gilmore

Reserve Champion Market Swine- Josh Nichols

Grand Champion Market Meat Goat– Maliya Porter

Grand Champion Breeding Meat Goat- Andrew Fendley

Reserve Champion Breeding Meat Goat- Maliya Porter

Grand Champion Dairy Goat– Andrew Fendley

Reserve Champion Dairy Goat- Maliya Porter

Grand Champion Market Lam– Maliya Porter

Grand Champion Breeding Lamb– Austin Manning

Open Poultry Grand Champion Bird– Skylah Miles

Open Poultry Reserve Champion Bird- Jessica Conti

Chick Chain Grand Champion Pen– Cade Weaver

Chick Chain Reserve Champion Pen- Brooke Hoomes

Chick Chain Grand Champion Bird– Brooke Hoomes

Chick Chain Reserve Champion Bird- Madison Behrends

Grand Champion Rabbit– Emerson Walters

Reserve Champion Rabbit- Maliya Porter

Showmanship Results

Beef Breeding Showmanship Winners

Juniors Intermediates Seniors
1st Place Malarie Cooper Tucker Padgett Haylie Nelson
2nd Place Sydney Gilmore A.T. Bridgers Leah Rutherford
3rd Place Ella Gilmore James McElhaney

Preview Steer Showmanship Winners

Juniors Intermediates Seniors
1st Place Sydney Gilmore Tucker Padgett Leah Rutherford
2nd Place Ella Gilmore A.T. Bridgers James McElhaney
3rd Place Brooke Hoomes Jessica Conti


Dairy Cow Showmanship Winners

Intermediates Seniors
1st Place Tucker Padgett Maliya Porter

Market Steer Showmanship Winners

Intermediates Seniors
1st Place John Parker Miller Laura Alexander
2nd Place Jessica Conti
3rd Place Lane Booker

Market Swine Showmanship Winners

Juniors Intermediates Seniors
1st Place Ella Gilmore A.T. Bridgers Jessica Conti
2nd Place Sydney Gilmore Tucker Padgett Hannah Thorne
3rd Place Malarie Cooper John Parker Miller Madison Behrends

Meat Goat Breeding Showmanship Winners

Juniors Seniors
1st Place Riley Gibbs Andrew Fendley
2nd Place Maliya Porter

Dairy Goat Showmanship Winners

Juniors Intermediates Seniors
1st Place Malarie Cooper Adalynn Manning Maliya Porter
2nd Place Addison Soderlind Andrew Fendley

Sheep Breeding Showmanship Winners

1st Place Maliya Porter
2nd Place Austin Manning

Open Poultry Showmanship Winners

Juniors Intermediates Seniors
1st Place Elizabeth Penullar Skylah Miles Jessica Conti
2nd Place Phoenix Myrick Maliya Porter
3rd Place Abby Vernier

Chick Chain Poultry Showmanship Winners

Juniors Intermediates Seniors
1st Place Cade Weaver Brooke Hoomes Amber Gilman
2nd Place Kennedy Ard Jamie Gruenwald
3rd Place Tucker Padgett Jessica Conti

Rabbit Showmanship Winners

Intermediates Seniors
1st Place Tucker Padgett Maliya Porter
2nd Place Ryan Clarke Emerson Walters
3rd Place Laney Clarke

Posted: April 1, 2021

Category: 4-H & Youth,