2018 Tri-State Cucurbit Workshop

Jackson County Agriculture Conference Center

Thursday, January 25th

2741 Penn Ave, Marianna, FL

The 2018 Tri-State Cucurbit Workshop will provide the latest research information for commercial growers of watermelons, cantaloupe, squash, and cucumbers. There is no cost for this sponsored event, but we ask that you please RSVP with Jackson County Extension at 850-482-9620 or by email s.farr@ufl.edu.

7:30 Registration & Meet with Vendors

8:00 Pesticide Safety & Handling – Matt Lollar, UF/IFAS, Jackson County

8:50 Cucurbit Disease Control – Mathews Paret, UF/IFAS Plant Pathologist

9:40 Break & Meet with Vendors

10:10 Cucurbit Trials – Josh Freeman, UF/IFAS Vegetable Specialist

11:00 Weed Control in Cucurbit Crops – Peter Dittmar, UF/IFAS Weed Specialist

11:50 Meet with Vendors

12:10 Lunch

12:40 Closing Remarks

1:00 Adjourn

The University of Florida/IFAS is an Equal Opportunity Institution





Posted: January 10, 2018

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS