“Bahiagrass can be grazed rotationally utilizing a two to three week rest period or grazed continually”.
Bahiagrass is established from seed. It is important that seedbed is well prepared and the ground packed and free of vegetation with at least 2 months prior to seeding. Seed should be applied uniformly over the soil for a good covered and soil compaction. Seeding can be done using a grain drill or cyclone seeder. Bahiagrass seeding rate should be about 35 lb/acre.
- Established from seed.
- Very tolerant of low fertility and soil acidity.
- Responds to nitrogen and potassium.
- Provides good quality forage for cattle.
- Persist under continuous grazing.
- No major pests represent a problem in Bahiagrass.
- Minimal forage production during short dates.
- Nutritive value of grass for hay is low.
- Tends to produce at least 90% of its yield during April and September.