When working with groups, for Google Site Designs, its important to have a shared path for design. This is the recommended format used by 4-H Agents to share what was wished to have placed on Pages within Google Sites. If someone else is handling the site construction, place the information discussed below into a Word Document.
General Recommendations
There are different formats that may be utilized in any of these Pages and may vary from Page to Page of your site design: If you wish to use a different type of layout, please share which you’d like to use on that Page.
- It is recommended that you place photos/videos/documents that you would like to use for your layout into a shared TEAMS file.
- If you are using files directly from your Google Drive, please visit the original file location and select share. Click “Get Shareable Link.” Select the arrow down next to “Anyone at University of
Florida with the link can view.” Select “More” and select “On – Public on the Web” or “On – Anyone with the link.” Select Save.
- Please remember to follow UF ADA Guidelines and UF/IFAS Best Practices with anything you choose to use.
- When creating a Word Document for Page Design, include each of the following sections in your design.
Page title
Please Write the Name of your Page
(If you have a specific photo that you wish to be used for your backdrop, be share that it is uploaded or shared and noted with the Page title)
Use a section for supplies if you have activities included in your page.
- List any needs for your activities in your session.
- You will need a photo to accompany your section (if you have a preference, please select a photo to be used and note that it has been saved in our folder).
Please write a short description of the Page’s learning activities and objectives. If you wish to do a video covering this, please put the link of your video here and you’ll still need to include a short (one sentence) description. This is what introduces and gives a background for the activities you’ll include next. If you’d like to use a pdf, please change it to a photo file and save it in our folder. Include that file name here. Videos are not required here but it is recommended to keep things interactive. You may do multiple entries here to give the background for activities.
Video or photo: Link.com or saved in our folder Title: What are emotions? Description: How are they identified? Watch as we share what they are and give you some helpful ways of identifying them.
In the 4-H world, your site should aim for at least 6 hours total, including reading, videos and completing the activities. Your number of activities will vary based on the number of sessions: eg. with 6 sessions, 1 session should be approx. 1 hour. However, in all of the other program areas, you determine what you feel like is the amount of time that going through your Google Site should take. What
See the picture below how it is recommended to share the activities for positioning on the site.
Please include specific photos or share that you have saved them in our Teams folder. If you have a link to include for the activity, include this with your description of the activity. The recommended way to include the activity is this:
Activity #: Video link or photo file name.
Description: Tell someone your feelings. Find a friend, family member, anyone to discuss how you felt, what your emotions were, how your body physically felt in a situation. It doesn’t have to be a situation that they were involved in as this can sometimes be very hard. Write about this conversation in your notebook. Include who you spoke with and answer these questions:
- Was it hard to discuss your feelings with this person?
- How did it make you feel when you shared your emotions?
- How did your body physically feel when you shared?
- How did the person you shared with respond? Did they share a situation where they had similar emotions?
List any resources you wish to include and same for photos here. You’ll need to include the link for your resource. If it is a pdf, please save it as a photo file and share the title of the photo. It will be shown as the photo for resources in this section of the Page.
Please list in this way:
- Heartfulness – https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/columbiaco/2020/05/13/heartfulness/
- Picture: Heart.jpg saved in Teams folder
Click here for a printable copy of Google Site Session Design Outline Fact Sheet.