Holy guacamole! Avocados are coming into harvest this time of the year in SWFL and there are many opportunities to try the delicious Florida avocado around town.
Avocados, Persea americana Miller, are indigenous to Mexico, Central American and parts of South America and are grown in tropical and subtropical areas of the world.
Many consumers like to eat the Hass avocado, most commonly found in the grocery store. The Hass is often grown in California and while this does make the best guacamole, there are many delicious Florida varieties of avocados that are worth your taste buds.

Avocados are highly nutritious, a good source of potassium and a moderate source of Vitamin A. Florida early season varieties are Guatemalan and West Indian hybrids. They look different with often a long neck, smooth-skinned, have a milder flavor, larger in size and more water content. They slice up perfectly for avocado toast, salads, and folks are often surprised by their delicious, almost nutty flavor.
The fruit does not ripen until it falls or is picked from the tree. In Florida, commercial growers harvest fruit when it reaches a specified calendar date and weight or size. The specific dates, weights, and sizes are used to determine maturity and vary by variety. Commercial production is primarily in Miami-Dade and Collier Counties, however, driving around town you can recognize avocado trees in backyards and small farms all over the southern part of the state.

If you are interested in learning more about growing the Avocado, join in our virtual JAMAS! Class on Saturday, September 23rd at 9:00 AM. We will be highlighting the “Amazing Avocado” this year: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-growing-jamas-with-ufifas-extension-the-amazing-avocado-tickets-703257852167?aff=oddtdtcreator
There are tropical fruit producers all over SWFL, visit www.swflfresh.com to learn more about local farmers selling avocado and other tropical fruit this season. You can also visit small grocery stores in Golden Gate City and Immokalee to find local varieties, so keep your eyes peeled and give it a try!
Learn all about growing avocados here: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/MG213