Video: Ixora Leaf Spot?

This heavy blooming shrub is an old time favorite in south Florida. If unpruned, Ixora coccinea can reach up to twelve feet in height. Ixora are native to southern Asia and are not particularly well-suited to our south Florida alkaline “soils”. In diagnosing plant problems, we come across different ailments or pests which may cause remarkably similar symptoms. I refer to this as mimicking symptoms and puts investigators into a “Who-dun-nit” mystery quest. This can be fun to sort out when you are aware of the plants and their various problems and symptoms. For example, take the reddish-purple leaf spots on the older leaves of ixora, which for all the world resemble a fungal leaf spot disease. See video for the solution as to what is happening and what to do about this very common problem! See fact sheet on ixora


Posted: May 11, 2017

Category: Home Landscapes, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Collier County, Doug Caldwell, Ixora, Ixora Coccinea, Leaf Spot, YouTube