2018 UF/IFAS Clay County Master Gardener Year in Review

The annual banquet of the UF/IFAS Extension Clay County Master Gardener program marks the end of our year in mid-November and we had an amazing 2018. Volunteers donated over 7000 hours of volunteer work in Clay County, over 1300 hours of training, and over 57,000 miles traveled in personal vehicles. This all happens as we have a major impact on our community in programs at the Clay County Fair, local schools, and at our office outside of Green Cove Springs. With a focus on educating the community on gardening and it’s benefits, we had an outreach to over 5000 residents in 2018 and plan on expanding in the new year with more classes, plant clinics, and school programming.

This all means an impact of over $175,000 of donated time and resources back into the community.

To celebrate the achievements of our program and members we hold an annual banquet to enjoy each others company before the holidays as well as give out some awards. This end of the year banquet is also a time to highlight achievements of our members and all they do. Here are some of our award winners on the night of the banquet:

Thank you to all of our volunteers for an amazing year of educating the citizens of Clay County and here is to a great 2019!

If you are not currently a Master Gardener and would like to join, we have an annual training course starting in early August. More information will be coming out about the class beginning in March but please contact our office at (904)284-6355 or whhobbs@ufl.edu if you would like to be added to our distribution list for the 2019 Master Gardener course. For more information about the statewide Master Gardener program and to find more information about the program in other counties, visit http://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/mastergardener/.



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Posted: December 4, 2018
