4-H Photography Contest

Charlotte County 4-H youth ages 8 and up are eligible to participate in the 4-H photography contest. Each member is able to submit 1 entry per category (5 total per youth) at the county level. The categories which photos can be entered in include:

Title Description
People Any photo where the main subject(s) is a person or people. Still shots or active.
Flora and Fauna Plants, animals, living items found in nature
Scenic Cityscapes, rural landscapes, natural settings that do not fit into the Flora and Fauna category
Still Life An arrangement or display of inanimate objects
Black and White Any subject presented in black and white


All photos exhibited must have been taken by 4-H members within one year of the date of the state photo contest deadline (June 1 of pervious year).

Photos should be at least 800 pixels by 1000 pixels and saved as a JPEG. The ideal 8×10 quality is 2400 to 3000 pixels, which is the same as an 8×10 photo at 300 dpi (resolution). Any higher variations on the 8×10 ratio are not allowed.

The only enhancements allowable include cropping, trimming, adjusting lighting, and red eye reduction. Substantially altered photos, such as changing colors or applying style designs, or using computer graphics will disqualify the entry.

Recognizable pictures of any adult or youth under the age of 18 must include a “Model release” signature. If a minor is in the photo, the signature must come from their parent or guardian.

The Florida 4-H Youth Development program reserves the right to refuse inappropriate or unsuitable entries. Photograph must NOT be offensive, degrading, racist, or contain pornography of any form.

Scoring & Awards

Junior, Intermediate, and Senior entries are judged separately. Blue, red, and white award is given to each entry. A top overall junior entry, intermediate entry, and senior entry will be selected (Total=3). These three entries can advance to the state competition. They may be exhibited at the district level or other venues, but not required.

Photos should be submitted electronically: County Events 2024 – OneDrive (sharepoint.com)

Tips for taking good photos:

  1. People Photography:

– Use natural light whenever possible, such as early morning or late afternoon, to avoid harsh shadows.

– Pay attention to composition and framing. Consider the rule of thirds and position your subject off-center for a more dynamic image.

– Capture candid moments and genuine emotions to convey a story or mood.

– Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add visual interest to your photos.

– Be mindful of the background and surroundings to avoid distractions that may take away from the main subject.

  1. Flora & Fauna Photography:

– Get up close to capture details and textures of flowers, plants, or animals.

– Use a macro lens or macro mode on your camera to focus on small subjects and capture intricate patterns.

– Be patient and observant when photographing wildlife. Wait for the right moment to capture natural behaviors or unique poses.

– Consider the environment and lighting conditions. Soft, diffused light works well for capturing the delicate features of flora, while early morning or late afternoon light can add warmth to wildlife photos.

  1. Scenic Photography:

– Choose a strong focal point or subject to anchor your scenic shots, such as a landmark, mountain, or body of water.

– Experiment with different compositions, such as leading lines, framing, or foreground interest, to create depth and perspective.

– Pay attention to the sky and weather conditions. Dramatic clouds, colorful sunsets, or misty mornings can add visual interest to your scenic photos.

– Use a tripod to ensure sharpness, especially in low light conditions or when capturing long exposure shots.

  1. Still Life Photography:

– Arrange your subject and props thoughtfully to create an engaging composition.

– Pay attention to lighting and shadows to highlight textures and shapes. Consider using diffused natural light or artificial lighting for a soft, even glow.

– Experiment with different angles and viewpoints to find the most flattering perspective for your still life arrangement.

– Consider the background and backdrop. Choose a simple, uncluttered background that complements your subject and doesn’t distract from it.

  1. Black and White Photography:

– Look for strong contrasts, textures, and patterns that will translate well in black and white.

– Pay attention to light and shadow to create drama and depth in your photos.

– Experiment with different filters or post-processing techniques to enhance tonal range and add mood to your black and white images.

– Focus on shapes, lines, and forms to create visually striking compositions without the distraction of color.

Remember to practice regularly and experiment with different techniques to develop your photography skills. Don’t be afraid to try new things and push the boundaries of your creativity!

Use this link to view the Photography Contest Scoresheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r44Adv6WWj062T90rLSbknyj8-ZbxZ9x/view

Photography Contest Guidelines can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D833P4qAVDDLIIR9ZOKp925EicTEc2Kt/view

Photo Release Forms:


Avatar photo
Posted: March 19, 2024

Category: 4-H & Youth, Curriculum
Tags: 4-H, 4-H Appropriate, 4-H Club, 4-H Project, Florida 4-H

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