It is better to start something early rather than wait until the last minute. Use the first week of October (Get Organized Week) to organize your 4-H project. Choose 1 task from the list below or create your own for each day of the week!
- Record Book: Create or review objectives
- Record Book: Take and/or print pictures
- Record Book: Outline Buyer’s Letter
- Record Book: Receipts/Financial Records
- Outline or write Buyer’s Letters
- Create a list of shows/fairs you plan to participate in and their registration deadlines
- Complete show registrations
- Clean and organize show supplies
- Groom your animal
- Determine your County Events topic.
- Create an outline for your County Events presentation
Getting organized will help you in many different ways. Not only will you be more relaxed knowing that you don’t have a pile of work to complete at the end of your project, but you will also be more productive if you are organized rather than being overwhelmed by a mess. Organization creates a healthier, stress free life, saves you time and creates a better opportunity for success. Whether you spend the week organizing multiple aspects of your 4-H project or just take the time to create a checklist to make sure you are meeting your deadlines, getting organized is a step in the right direction!