FWC Launches Statewide Boat Ramp Finder

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is currently conducting a statewide inventory of boat ramps. The results of the inventory are being used to create an online ramp finder. As of May 1st, 2012, 3,855 ramps have been inventoried. Almost 1,800 of those ramps are available for public use. The ramp inventory has two online components. A password protected portal allows local partners (primarily county and city governments) to add ramps to the inventory and edit information as ramp conditions change. The public side of the inventory is a statewide ramp finder which includes all identified public ramps. Users can query the site for ramps by county or proximity using an address or GPS coordinate. Once a user finds a ramp they will receive descriptive information, photographs and maps. To check out this website for yourself, visit www.myfwc.com/boatramps.


Posted: June 20, 2012

Category: Recreation
Tags: Boating

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