4-H Camp Timpoochee Camper Sign Up
Summer is around the corner and Calhoun County 4-H is getting an early start on Camp Timpoochee sign up. In order to attend this week-long overnight camp in Niceville, Florida youth must be between the ages of 8 and 12 as of September 1, 2013. Camp will be the week of June 16 – 20, 2014. The cost of camp is $220 for 4-H members and $230 for non-members. Camp includes kayaking, snorkeling, arts and crafts, recreational sports, shooting sports, and much more. There are 20 slots available for Calhoun County youth and they will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. The deadline to submit ALL forms and camp fee is 5pm on Friday, May 30, 2014.
Stop by the Calhoun County Extension Office or call 850-674-8323 for more information or to enroll a youth in Camp Timpoochee.
4-H Camp Timpoochee Counselor Sign Up
Youth ages 13 – 18 as of September 1, 2013 may serve as Camp Counselors or Camp Counselors in Training (CIT’s). Camp fee is half price ($110 to $115) for youth who are accepted as camp counselors. Youth should be prepared to interview for their position as camp counselor/CIT and must be present for each training session in its entirety to qualify for a position. All CIT application forms are due at the Extension Office by 5 pm on March 21, 2014. Camp fee and camp registration packet deadline is May 30, 2014. For more information or to sign up to be a camp counselor or CIT, please stop by the Calhoun County Extension Office or call 850-674-8323.