NFREC Beef & Forage Field Day – March 15

The Panhandle Ag Extension Team will be hosting the Beef & Forage Field Day on Friday, March 15, at the UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center’s Beef Unit near Greenwood, Florida. The field day will include a one hour registration period with an opportunity to visit with sponsoring organizations that provide products and services to ranchers in the region. The Beef Unit Tours will begin at 9:00 with six stops, and conclude with a presentation at the Bull Sale Arena. A barbecue lunch will be served that is included with the $10/person registration fee. After lunch, an optional tour of the cool-season forage comparison trials on the agronomy unit will be provided.

Schedule of events (CDT):
8:00 AM Registration (Registration fee – $10) and interact with exhibitors

9:00 AM Beef Unit Tour Stops

  • The economics of integrating legumes into grazing systems– Jose Dubeux, UF Forage Specialist, and Chris Prevatt, UF Livestock Economics Specialist
  • Grazing management of cover crops– Cheryl Mackowiak, UF Soils Specialist & Marcelo Wallau, UF Forage Specialist
  • Alfalfa-bermudagrass mixtures as an option for the southeast– Esteban Rios, UF Forage Breeder
  • Controlling trees growing on the fence line–Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Washington Co Extension Agent
  • Showcasing the latest technology in automated feeders for cattle supplementation – Nicolas DiLorenzo, UF Beef Specialist
  • Meeting nutritional requirements for reproduction– Kalyn Waters, UF/IFAS Holmes Co Extension Director
  • Mycotoxins and toxic plants in grazing systems– Ann Blount, UF Forage Breeder

12:30 PM Lunch (Lunch and refreshments will be provided)

1:30 PM Optional Tour: Forage seeding rate study – Ann Blount, UF Forage Breeder and Jose Dubeux, UF Forage Specialist, Cheryl Mackowiak, UF Soils Specialist

2:30 PM Adjourn

For further information call 850-526-1613 or visit the NFREC website:


Posted: February 21, 2019

Category: Agriculture, Events
Tags: Agriculture, Cattle, Forage