Broward County Extension Celebrates 110th Extension Anniversary & Continues to Address Local Needs by Accessing State and National Resources

Broward County joins the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) as we celebrate its 110th anniversary. The Extension Service has its historical roots in the Smith-Lever Act of 1914. Extension’s role is to supply research-based educational solutions to local issues and problems. We have access to relevant information through our state and national connections with other land-grant universities, research centers and Extension offices.  Extension offices in Florida are a partnership between the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, the United States Department of Agriculture and local governments.  Each Broward County Extension faculty position was created to address specific local concerns and needs based upon input from local advisory committees.


Extension can be a gardener’s best friend, but there’s more to Extension than planting the right plant in the right place. We teach seniors about heart health, adults about food safety, and youth about the benefit of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. 4-H youth compete in county events, people learn to keep pests under control with the correct pesticide or experiencing the joy of butterfly gardening. Extension can help you live better, save money, and be healthier. Extension staff teach valuable life skills to targeted audiences.


As a partner with the University of Florida, our local Extension office can access the latest research based and factual information on multiple subjects. Broward County has enjoyed a successful partnership with the University of Florida Extension since 1939. The Broward Extension office falls under the Parks and Recreation Division and has enjoyed a fruitful collaboration and partnership for many, many years.  The work of Extension is still relevant and necessary as it was 110 years ago, as core services continue to be provided to Broward County residents. With the pandemic, virtual education has expanded our outreach greatly.

Above is a picture of the Broward County Extension office from 1950. Extension education has come a long way!

We could not do everything that we do without the scores of volunteers and the many program advisory committees that support Broward County Extension locally. This last year, we reached thousands of citizens, young and old, with science-based information via educational programs taught and participation at various community events.

In 1914, the Smith-Lever Act started the wheels rolling for today’s Extension Services across the country by channeling funds to connect the public with the practical research of land-grant universities.  These wheels are still spinning strongly.  Services are aimed at individuals, families, consumers, community groups and industry for our 1.9 million citizens.

Please let us know how we can help you put the resources of Broward Extension to work for you. Stop by or call us with your questions or concerns. The Broward County Extension Office is located at 3245 College Avenue in Davie FL. You can reach us by phone at (954) 756-8519.

Visit our website, view our scholarly blogs and learn about our faculty and staff and much, much more.


An equal opportunity institution.


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Posted: May 8, 2024

Category: UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: 110th Anniversary Of UF/IFAS Extension, 1914 Simith-Lever Act, Broward, Broward County, Broward County Extension Staff And Website, Broward County Parks And Recreation, Extension Education, Florida, Resources Of Broward County Extension, UF/IFAS Extension 110th Birthday, UF/IFAS Solutions, Urban Area