It is time to get excited for the Broward County 4-H Community Fair! The Fair is the main event of the 4-H year, presenting youth with the opportunity to show off projects worked on as well as knowledge and skills gained throughout the year. This year the Fair will run as a hybrid model, meaning some events shall occur virtually while others shall occur in person. All exhibit entries are welcome to be viewed by the public the weekend of April 29th through May 1st.

What is the Community Fair?
The Fair is a county-level 4-H competition to evaluate skills ranging from cooking to sewing to public speaking. We offer five main areas to compete in: general exhibits, fashion revue, share the fun talent show, illustrated talks/demonstrations, and public speaking. There are 11 categories as options to compete in for general exhibits: arts and crafts, clothing/textiles, food and nutrition, digital media, home and health, horticulture, natural sciences and outdoor programs, performing arts, personal development and leadership, photography, and science and technology. Each youth can enter one exhibit per sub-category, up to 10 exhibits max.

What is the purpose of the Community Fair?
The purpose of the Community Fair is to inspire youth to set goals, reach milestones, as well as to experience new skills. By adding incentives through premium award monies and recognition through an award ceremony, youth are motivated to follow through on completing their projects. The ultimate goal of the Community Fair is to demonstrate the valuable life skills 4-H teaches to youth in the community.
Why is the Community Fair so important?
The Community Fair provides an outlet for youth to demonstrate their creativity, knowledge, and skills in a fun way! Youth who have previously participated in the Community Fair state that it helps to improve their interview skills, keeps them motivated to finish a project, and encourages them to try a new project. The Community Fair provides a deadline to finish their entries, thus building valuable time management skills.
What to expect this year?
The Community Fair will function as a hybrid event this year. We recognize the influence of COVID-19 on our community, but also the importance of in-person education. All general exhibits and fashion revue entries shall be judged virtually, while still setting up the entries for the public to observe. Virtual judging has its perks of allowing the youth to finish their entries and providing a place for critical thinking to evaluate their projects before the Community Fair. The share the fun talent show, illustrated talks/demonstrations, and public speaking entries shall be judged as a live, in-person event, judged in front of an audience.

What happens after the Fair?
After the Community Fair, youth may qualify to participate in District and State 4-H events over the summer at 4-H University in Gainesville!
How can I participate?
The Broward County 4-H Community Fair is open to youth ages 5-18 who enroll in 4-H by January 31st. Community Fair registration is open until 4:00 p.m. on February 28th. For any youth who has interest in participating please visit the Community Fair website here.
Score video submissions (can be completed at your own pace)
Score in-person events