Want to get more for your money? By using coupons, you can save several dollars a week on your grocery bill. We can all use a little extra money these days. Try some of these tips to get around high food prices for you and your family!
As the saying goes, “Every little bit helps!”
Where Can I Find Coupons?
Coupons can be found in several places. Coupons are a type of sales promotion that encourage individuals to try a product they may not have tried before. If families and consumers like a product, they are more likely to repeat the purchase. Check out: the Sunday newspaper, online printable coupons, weekly store flyers, manufacturer and store websites, in-store coupons and store loyalty cards. Share coupons with others who enjoy couponing.
1. Plan all meals for each week, in advance and create a master shopping list that falls within your budget. Stick to your list when in the store and try not to shop when you are hungry.
2. Search the places mentioned above for coupons.
3. Get organized! Arrange coupons into groups, such as cereals, paper goods, canned goods, snacks or anything you buy often. Inexpensive file boxes are available to store coupons. This will help you keep track of your coupons and find them quickly.
4. Use coupons when you are making a shopping list. It may be helpful to place a check mark next to the items you plan to buy with a coupon.
Helpful Tips When Using Coupons
• Do not buy items just because you have a coupon for it! Make sure you need it, will use it and make sure you have space for the items in your cabinets and/or pantry.
• Compare prices with store brand items to see if using the coupon is the cheaper option. Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not.
• Use coupons to stock up on non-perishable items that you and your family use often.
• Using coupons and stocking up on needed items during sales are great money-saving options.
• Don’t buy perishable food in large amounts if you will not be able to use it or freeze it before it expires.
1. Bring the coupons to the store with you! They will do you no good if you forget them at home.
2. Watch the expiration dates. Discard expired coupons.
3. Shop at stores that will take manufacturers’ coupons and the in-store coupon for the same product. Ask if a store will match a sale or coupon from a different store.
4. Read the coupon’s fine print!
Children Can Help Coupon Too!
Most children love to help when they can. Couponing can be a life skill youth can learn and continue with into adulthood. Keep them involved by asking them to sort, clip, or find coupons. Even young children can help!
- Have children sort coupons based on the system you decide. Sorting can be great fun.
- Create a coupon binder or folder and let your child decorate it. You can find these at most dollar stores.
- Teach your child to watch out for expiration dates and how to interpret them.
- If your child is old enough and knows how to handle scissors properly, have them cut coupons.
- At the store, give your child a coupon and have them try and locate the item. Most children love to be helpful.
- Have kids keep an eye out for any in-store deals or coupons too.
1. Choose well-balanced meals that include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Follow MyPlate nutrition guidelines.
2. Keep your health in mind when creating your shopping list and purchasing ingredients and menu items.
3. Healthy eating starts with smart and wise shopping.
4. Use coupons and save money, when able.
For more information:
UF/IFAS Extension Broward County http://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/broward/family-and-consumer-sciences/
UF/IFAS Extension Broward County Blog articles https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/browardco/